Wow........ Easily the darkest episode in the history of moral orel. Especially the story with ms. Sculpthume?(orel's teacher)and mr. creepler, and nurse bendy was also pretty edgey. Although i loved the line "little babies are the devil's scabies" lol that cracked me up.
found it INCREDIBLY depressing, but i loved it. i also really like the parts about nurse bendy and ms. sculptham, but i like that we find out why ms censordoll is so obsessed with eggs
I thought the one with orel's teacher was a little over the edge in dark matter, but it was done well and really gave off the feel of the cold war she lives in. The one that hit me was Nurse Bendy's story, very powerful and depressing look at women who are only used for their bodies.
I know it's just a cartoon but the writing is pretty strong at times.
Yea I think I've never seen a tv show that manage to depress me so quickly...yeah Bendy pretty was the best but most depressing story because it so sad
I thought it was creepy. I've DVR'd it and watched it at least four times so far.
I have to admit, it bothers me a little that the show started out as a comedy and has become a very dark study of these peoples' lives. (And as a testament to the writers, sometimes it's hard for me to remember that "these people" are actually clay figurines.)
But I can't stop watching. It's wonderful. It's (bleep)ing wonderful. Dino and his crew can be comedy writers and horror writers at the same time. Dino, I'd ask you to marry me if I wasn't already married. Hell, I might ask anyway.