I love Clay
I love the character of Clay.
He's by far my favourite of the show. The amount of emotion portrayed through him is astounding.
I just watched the whole 3 seasons of the show (spoilers) and I really pity Clay. The whole thing with Miss Censordoll and Clay having really bad issues with regards to his relationship with his mother (to be polite) freaked me out, but once again, in the last episode I couldn't help but feel sympathy for him when he finally got the guts to confess his love for Coach Stopframe.
Clay is so messed up. In a really bad way. But I can't blame him. His self hate is so strong it clearly has lead to an addiction to self destruction within him. The poor thing could never be happy.
His rant in the end of nature part 1 broke my heart.
It's terrible, but I just wanted someone to love him. I just wanted him to be okay (even though that would have ruined all the sadness that makes his character so poignant and brilliant)
I think he is one of the most tragic things I've ever seen.
Also, on a much lighter note, he had some of the funniest lines of the show - “I know, you were just trying to be righteous, but this time righteous, was wrongteous.”
And that's why I love Clay. Just saying.