Irony fun

William superior in tone says to humans at dinner table - "You don't know me. You don't know me at all!"

William, inspecting murder scene in apartment, says to aberrant Host woman - "They are very delicate. We can't just replace them. [...] You may play with them, not destroy them."


William to human William - "I don't know what I am!"


Christina - Consciously writes apparently fictional characters at her office desk, assuming that everyone was a free agent. Later she observes via a simulator device real people living out her storylines.

She was Dolores (or shares her memories) who was a fictional character in a simulated environment. Now she is the writer living as a human being in a purportedly real environment.

Dolores was a country girl, Christina is a city girl. Dolores dreams of other places, Christina maybe wants a simpler life, free and easy and no difficulties.


Interesting analysis Keith !!!

Thanks for posting your thoughts!!!

Here's some more DIALOGUE for you from a yahoo REVIEW:


“What am I?!” he bellows to his human self, concerned he’s been infected by the outlier’s virus. Then an intriguing interaction happens:

Human William: “What do you think of your world?”

Host William: “This isn’t my world; it’s hers.”

Human William: “Maybe it’s time you questioned the nature of your own reality.”

It seems like human William is sowing the seeds of (another) rebellion within the mind of the one closest to Hale – which could be very helpful for Bernard and his newly-acquired weapon.

I also like the way that the show also makes US question the NATURE of OUR OWN REALITY.


Yeah, excellent stuff. Thanks, Joi.

Why indeed suppose or assume that her reality or regime defines his own existence? Aside from being programmed to be loyal to her, he's been given a fair amount of latitude to do as he pleases.

Yeah, it has an interesting existential hook. :) God versus humanity - who made who and why in the universe in which we live. Are humans really only machines, do we possess agency or are we just following habitual behavioral cues according to our culture/s and/or biology.


In Shakespeare's KING LEAR he says:

"As flies to wanton boys are we to the GODS, they kill us for their SPORT.

And that pretty much also SUMS UP the situation that we find in WESTWORLD where HALE is BORED and talks about ZEUS turning himself into a SWAN so that he can get a PIECE of A$$.

As you may recall, the HUMAN HALE was also quite the SEX POT who was seducing the HOST HECTOR, and the WRITER was also busy trying to SEDUCE her at the top of DELOS where the swimming pool was located as well.

So having HALE as a BORED GODDESS figure is also interesting. Did you see the way she shows off her legs to the MiB when she sits in the 3 WAY HUMAN chair???

I'm also thinking this GODDESS is about to become some "SPORT" herself and be HUNTED and TORMENTED by BERN, CHIRSTINA, MAEVE, Caleb, and the version of the MiB that she's created (who is now busy questioning the NATURE of HIS REALITY).

And IF the FROZEN WILLIAM gets set free, then he'll probably also lend a helping hand to the rest of them and also take part in whatever it is that happens to her by the end of this season.

Are you familiar with this poem???

For in and out, above, about, below,
'Tis nothing but a Magic Shadow-show,
Play'd in a Box whose Candle is the Sun,
Round which we Phantom Figures come and go.

'Tis all a Chequer-board of Nights and Days
Where Destiny with Men for Pieces plays:

In that old Potter's Shop I stood alone
With the clay Population round in Rows.

And, strange to tell, among that Earthen Lot
Some could articulate, while others not:
And suddenly one more impatient cried -
'Who is the Potter, pray, and who the Pot? '

Like the case is with you, It also addresses the question of "WHO MADE WHO."


Back when she was still human, didn't she also STEAL the BOOTS off of a DEAD BODY at the time when she was being HUNTED DOWN by the WYATT version of DOLORES???

It'll be FUN to watch her being HUNTED again.

Maybe she'll also try to escape on a TRAIN, and like what happens in "MURDER on the ORIENT EXPRESS," several characters will SNEAK into the place where she's sleeping (one by one throughout the night to KILL HER), so that by the time she's found MURDERED the next day no one will know for sure who did it???



Charlotte is done for. haha :)

Yes, quite apt observations from the poets. The exact divisions between things is relative when seen from other POV. We might assume that things are definitely 'that' or 'this' and are discrete categories or objects, but who is being the observer and who or what is aware and what is meant by awareness. i do think its weird that sculptures or other likenesses in 3D sometimes have the feel of consciousness, the artist having paid a lot attention to fine details to make something seem real.

Something else that has occurred to me are the parallels with ancient Greek religion and philosophy that the show evinces by its narrative and characters. Not so much the references made to Greek literature, either in dialogue or by implication and metaphorical semblance on the surface of the narrative (though the Zeus or God analogies are in some way key), but really the underlying structures that are full of meaning and I think are part of "the message" of the narrative. I'm going to write a webpage on this topic as I think it will be interesting and worth highlighting in that way. I think the show is saying that "Westworld" earth is a kind of deeply ritualistic and mystical exercise, aside from being a scifi narrative.


its weird that sculptures or other likenesses in 3D sometimes have the feel of consciousness, the artist having paid a lot attention to fine details to make something seem real.

The PIETA is a statue that matches your description:

Are you going to post the webpage here or will you provide at link to it so we can read it???

Check out the article on this topic:

It mentions all kinds of Freaky things that had never occurred to me before such as this:

Disneyland was a distraction, one designed to conceal a deeper and more unsettling truth: The world outside of Disneyland was just as unreal.

The real west is being demolished and a fantasy built atop it. Appropriately, the site is just north of Big Sky Movie Ranch, the source of various iconic depictions of the Old West in American pop culture, from Rawhide and Gunsmoke to Little House on the Prairie.

In “Generation Loss,” it becomes clear that fiction is colonizing reality.

It often doesn’t matter what is actually real; it simply matters which stories people internalize

Generation Loss” suggests that the season is built around another realization of that era — the observation often attributed to Joseph Goebbels,

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.”

In “Generation Loss,” Westworld suggests that entire worlds can be built on such lies.

The final shot of “Generation Loss” features a pan across the southern bay of Manhattan, revealing that ominous broadcast tower standing where the Statue of Liberty should be. The Statue of Liberty represented its own aspirational narrative of what America could be, of a nation that was a beacon to the world and a welcoming home for outsiders. The tower is much more ominous, seeming more like a trap to keep those caught within its broadcast range.

“Generation Loss” suggests that maybe societies should be careful of the stories that they tell themselves, because those stories can occasionally become reality.


So, will a GIANT MICKEY MOUSE one day end up replacing LADY LIBERTY???

Will the country one day end up with more AMUSEMENT PARKS than the other kinds of NATURE PARKS that we now have???

Will people choose to live inside of them in some kind of a DELUSIONAL FANTASY WORLD rather than OUTSIDE of them in this WORLD???

Plato's Cave also comes to mind where people thought the SHADOWS on the WALL were more REAL than the WORLD OUTSIDE of the CAVE.

And we also had the IRONY of William as the MAN in BLACK killing his REAL DAUGHTER ... because he assumed that she wasn't REAL ... as he also insists that he "KNOWS what's REAL" ... but he REALLY didn't know ... because he'd spent too much TIME in the PARK.

CHRISTINA probably doesn't make SCULPTURE's, but she PAINTS like DOLORES use to do. So maybe she could also make a PAINTING of William holding the DEAD BODY of his daughter EMILY in his lap (like the case is with THE PIETA)???

FORD to WILLIAM in S2 Ep9 of VANISHING POINT (as he slides the Memory Card over to him):

"For a self portrait, you may find it's not very flattering."



I'll be providing a link to the webpage for people to read it.

Heh, I was going to mention Plato's Cave Allegory in my last post as it is indeed relevant. As you say, the perceiving of illusion as reality. The Hosts were programmed only to perceive certain things and recall certain ideas, and the "mind wipe" of experiences to cause them to continue in their roles regardless of what happens to them and be unaffected and to start afresh each day.

Through the "shadow play" a whole society is entrained and shaped to accept certain beliefs.

It's certainly plausible that people prefer the illusion sometimes. We're bombarded with those amusements and frequently those are 3D immersive electronic games.

Recently I was caught by the significance of the similarity between the "Democracy Now" logo and an early poster depiction of the "Planet of the Apes" scene where they encounter the toppled Statue of Liberty jutting out an angle near a beach and ocean. It struck me as interesting that liberty means democracy and yet democracy is toppled in a purported future and the statue remains but has been removed from its pedestal as a symbol - in a way we can assert democracy and debates and rights but the reality we face is that maybe it is really already toppled or under threat of being so. Are we thus living an illusion?

I like the example of the Pieta sculpture you show, quite vivid as she contemplates the body of Christ. Yes, I think maybe by analogy William was in the same position, his daughter was his saviour but he did listen to her pleas and offer of help and instead rejected and killed her, like a confused and disbelieving humanity.

I think Christina may well write a new narrative for William that transforms sorrows into joy, as a form of portrait. I don't know if a reconciliation is possible between herself and William but I suspect she may be striving to heal the falsity that has occurred over those years of the park up to the current experiment of the city.


Oh yeah, and speaking of the spooky tower, I wonder if there is analogy with Seattle's "Space Needle" intended? Or aesthetic inspiration maybe?


depiction of the "Planet of the Apes" scene where they encounter the toppled Statue of Liberty jutting out an angle near a beach and ocean. It struck me as interesting that liberty means democracy and yet democracy is toppled in a purported future and the statue remains but has been removed from its pedestal as a symbol - in a way we can assert democracy and debates and rights but the reality we face is that maybe it is really already toppled or under threat of being so. Are we thus living an illusion?

In the conversation William has with the COUPLE where he tells him he doesn't know him, the wife was also saying something about a MERITOCRACY (which also isn't a DEMOCRACY).

What's clear enough is how that COUPLE were most definitely living in an ILLUSION where they both though they were the "BEES KNEES" (so to speak).


A Bees Knees (or Bee's Knees) is a Prohibition Era cocktail made with gin, fresh lemon juice, and honey. It is served shaken and chilled, often with a lemon twist. The name comes from prohibition-era slang meaning "the best".

The IRONY of course is how they were "THE WORST" instead of being the BEST that SOCIETY has to offer.


What is the difference between a meritocracy and a democracy?

Originally Answered: How would a meritocracy work differently from a democracy? A democracy that allows money controlling every aspect of it inevitably leads to corporate oligarchy. The illusion of people having choice through elections distracts people from the fact that the government only works for the 1%.


Yes, kind of weird that you're dining at an upmarket restaurant and not being able to eat your meal of fine cuisine because your physically frozen in place. :) "Is he coming back?" "Hope so, I'm getting hungry." "it looks delicious." "yup...". Obedient dogs. ;) rather effectively underlines the illusion that they are free and autonomous beings who could create lives without the Host mandated narratives.

We didn't see any evidence that they *couldn't* be social elites. but their attitudes suggested maybe they were undeserving of the positions and benefits given to them, I think. Still, as you say an illusion of advantage.

Democracy has its flaws indeed so one would think that meritocracy is naturally better...though I guess it depends on how you define "merit". Every organisation and other group wants to attract talent and skills, but what counts as being meritorious or worthy of reward? And how do you reward skills, work ethic, etc? Some go on about how money is the measure of merit or expertise or risk taking, putting yourself on the line to advance the group. We give high salaries, bonuses, stock options, etc. to the ones who say they (or whom we think) deserve it, who are usually there to exploit the situation at least some of the time. So, again, how would one measure merit when society can be biased and unfair, the same people that might undermine democratic processes?


This link also asks the same questions as you do, and it also has a message posted to it that explains reasons why the ASSUMPTION of MERIT can be a FALSE ONE:

Allen Lobo
Corporate finance, former physician & research physicistAuthor has 602

Is a meritocracy the best way to run a country?

A nation which is run as a meritocracy shall devour herself.

Do people even bother to stop and think how incredibly vicious a meritocracy can be? How such a system would spiral out of control?

The cruel but central question is how “merit” gets defined.

Do you understand how every single oppressive political system in history was justified in the name of meritocracy?

Kings and queens ruled for thousands of years by ‘divine right’ in the name of meritocracy because they sincerely thought that they were destined to do it. Right from Athens to America at their foundation, women and minorities had no say in the running of their republics precisely because it was deemed that they were stupid and even subhuman.

Even the goddamned slave owners in the Old South in America used “moral merit” as a central argument to vindicate their abuse and rape of blacks.

How all of those autocrats and oligarchs not only justified their rule to others in the name of merit but honestly believed it themselves. Like that cynical but true saying

“The golden rule is that the one who has the gold, gets to make the rules,”

go on and tell me HOW you will define merit in terms of running a country? And more importantly, tell me WHO will get to define it?

“Meritocracy” is what the elites have invariably used to rule over the masses.

how many among you would have had your parents run your family as a meritocracy?

Can you even begin to imagine how cruel that would have been?

A meritocracy invariably follows the “Matthew Effect” - those who have much, get even more. Those who have little, lose even whatever they have.

the most common argument employed by the elites to rule over the unwashed masses is meritocracy.

How I am cynical enough to realize that when it comes to running a nation, the question of what constitutes “merit” will be decided with the ones who have power.

Power has a filthy but addictive way of justifying its own use.


Please tell us more about the SPACE NEEDLE in SEATTLE and how that TIES in with the other TOWER.

What I can't comprehend is WHY WILLIAM would choose to keep tormenting DOLORES after he also comes to understand that her MIND had been WIPED of all of the MEMORIES that she'd had with him when she first met him.

Because that's when the trouble started, when he sees her dropping the ROLLING CAN again and sees some other guy picking it up. Then William got furious and becomes the MAN in BLACK (essentially switching ROLES from wearing the WHITE had over to his wearing THE BLACK HAT).

Then his wife sees the MEMORY CARD of what he's done in the PARK and kills herself, and he kills his daughter because he thinks she's a HOST, and William's the only one left alive (because LOGAN also dies of a drug overdose).

In other words, William's NARRATIVE also fits in nicely with what Christina's BOSS said he wants her to write (a story where everyone dies as opposed to one with ROMANCE in it).

PLUS we also saw that other SCENE in the CLOSING CREDITS where his daughter EMILY asks him if he knew where he was and she was also supposed to be giving him a FIDELITY TEST.

So WHO created her as a HOST??

And why didn't the VP that William kills with the GOLF CLUB (while Clementine kills the Secret Service DUDES), or any of the other POLITICIANS in HIGH PLACES notice that WILLIAM hasn't AGED or changed very much during the past 23 YEARS (during the time when CALEB is also supposed to have been turned into a HOST)???

Something just isn't QUITE RIGHT.

And when JOB got himself a NEW FAMILY (after the DEVIL made the BET with GOD that JOB wouldn't LOVE him anymore if he took everything away from him), it also wasn't quite the same anymore for him after that.

I think Christina may well write a new narrative for William that transforms sorrows into joy

So for that reason one also suspects that even IF Christina writes a NEW NARRATIVE for WILLIAM, it still won't be able to HEAL the PAIN and the LOSS of what he's endured???

And one also suspects that FORD's GAME for WILLIAM (the NEW NARRATIVE), may also have been written as a form of REVENGE for the way that the DELOS Corp took EVERYTHING away from FORD???

The PARK, his CREATIONS, which were also the ONLY FAMILY that FORD had???

So maybe in return for DELOS doing that FORD writes a NARRATIVE for WILLIAM where he also has EVERYTHING taken away from him (the same way as his company took everything away from FORD)???



the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect:

"“Don't go overboard with the gratitude,” he rejoined with heavy irony"

a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.


I think the show is saying that "Westworld" earth is a kind of deeply ritualistic and mystical exercise, aside from being a scifi narrative.

How much longer will it be before we get to read your webpage???


- Yeah, so the Space Needle was built originally to celebrate a major science fair in the 1960s and its design was evocative of science and progress - space-age look, "UFO" design. They have been periodically updating the structure to offer new tourist type experiences. Also, I think there's a radio station at the top with an antenna. So, you have the frequency and technology themes that bear a similarity superficially to the Hale City tower, which has as we know a sinister intent and thus is a point of difference between the two towers.

- William didn't believe that she couldn't access what might be core embedded info, I think. He was thinking about that tricky bastard Ford.

- I guess he just looks old. :)

- They didn't see eye-to-eye. William had the misfortune of being a park fanatic, leaving his reasoning ability aside. And Ford was generally rational but also protective to an extreme degree of the Hosts. They should have had a serious conference from the beginning especially when William became CEO of Delos. A consultative relationship instead of a combative and exploitative one between the two was needed.


Thanks for explaining the SPACE NEEDLE. So it's a LEFT OVER from a FAIR the same way as the other GLOBE in Queens is a LEFT OVER from the WORLD's FAIR that took place there (which also reminds one of the LEFT OVER remains of the DESERTED GOLDEN AGE PARK in WESTWORLD).

The globe was designed by Gilmore D. Clarke as part of his plan for the 1964 New York World's Fair. Commissioned to celebrate the beginning of the space age, the Unisphere was conceived and constructed as the theme symbol of the World's Fair. The theme of the World's Fair was "Peace Through Understanding", and the Unisphere represented the theme of global interdependence, being dedicated to "Man's Achievements on a Shrinking Globe in an Expanding Universe".

The Unisphere is the world's largest globe.

The Unisphere measures 140 feet (43 m) high and 120 feet (37 m) in diameter. It sits atop a 20-foot-tall (6.1 m) tripod base with over 500 steel pieces representing the continents, as well as three steel rings representing the first artificial satellites orbiting Earth.

In this video you can also see lots of the men & women wearing HATS like they did in WESTWORLD:

And I also recall that WORLD's FAIR in QUEENS being full of lots of other SPACE AGE stuff (including the MECHANICAL talking LINCOLN that they had on display which also reminds one of OLD BILL).

At the 17:30 TIME MARK is this link you can see and HEAR another MECHANICAL MAN from the past bragging as he explains what his life is like:


And YES William was also obsessed with FORD when he murders his daughter. But also NOTE the way that she'd also THREATENED to expose what he was doing (making HOST with HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS), and to have him LOCKED UP in a MENTAL WARD the same way as her mother had been.

You want the truth? The real truth? I'm not a host pretending to be a human, Dad.
I'm your daughter pretending to give a shit about you.
You've been hiding in these false realities so long you've completely lost your grip on this world, on what's real.
- (LAUGHING) - Oh yeah, you laugh.
Enjoy whatever dream you think you're living in.
When this is all done, I'm gonna expose your research project, along with you.
Everything you are, everything you've done, it's gonna come to light.
I'm gonna make sure of it.
And when it does, I'm gonna lock you up.
Just like we were gonna do to Mom.
Just like you did to Mom.
You were the one with that idea.
You made the call.

Read more:

So maybe there's also the possibility that he kills his daughter for his own SELFISH reasons (to keep from being LOCKED UP)???

Someone's also suggested that the FROZEN WILLIAM and the HOST are going to SWITCH PLACES. And they also point out how one of them looks a lot OLDER than the other one does.

A serious conference would probably never have worked. Remember that other scene where WILLIAM confronts FORD in a TAVERN inside of the park with TEDDY sitting there at the table with the 2 of them? Then when William makes a move to KILL FORD, TEDDY also defends him??? That's probably the reason why a CONSULTATIVE relationship wouldn't have worked any better for them than it did for CHARLOTTE/DOLORES when she tried to have one with SERAC and ends up setting off the POISONED GAS that kills all of the BOARD members but him???

Of course FORD also forced BERN to kill THERESA (his former lover) who was also then replaced by CHARLOTTE (who was even worse than THERESA).

For some reason COMBATIVE and EXPLOITATIVE relationships seem to follow ELITES wherever they go (esp if a NARCISSISTIC personality is also involved)????

Anyhow, my guess would be that kind of a relationship between William and Ford was never going to work anymore than it worked out between CHARLOTTE/DOLORES and SERAC.


And the freaky thing is that William only added to the complexity and misery by trying to create life extension for human beings through inserting artificial human mind patterns into android bodies via The Forge. He was intent on taking over from Ford with his "improved plan" utilising the park facilities.


THE IRONY of what happened last night is that by his creating artificial humans and placing their Mind patterns into android bodies, that's also resulted in the DEATH of WILLIAM when he's KILLED by a COPY of himself.

So calling that an IMPROVED PLAN doesn't makes sense anymore, and what makes more SENSE is what LOGAN said to DOLORES at the RETIREMENT party for his father about how the HUMAN RACE has LIT the MATCH that will result in their RUIN.

Also wonder what will happen to HALE's PLAN for the HOSTS to EVOLE or TRANSCEND into their NEW LIFE FORM???

Was kind of disappointed that MAEVE prevented the process from happening before we could see it take place.

But maybe that's also a good thing for MAEVE who may also have not been able to DEFEAT HALE if she had been transfered into that SUIT thingie???


Yes, it was delusional to think they could or should create a "perfect" form of human and thinking that technology would be ethics free. It's an advanced "puppet show" for the "cave dwellers" or prisoners who believe illusions are true.

Maybe Hale's new androids will become the guardians of the memory banks containing or running the Sublime? The negative outlook is that they will hunt down the remaining human population after the mayhem of violence unleashed by MiB, to "cleanse" the Earth of their imperfect and troublesome existence (reminds me of the ancient Delos island that was combed over - "purified" - to remove "undesirables" in order to make it fit for ritual activity and worship of the gods).

You mentioned Hale's red costume and I would say that has symbolic significance - war/bloodshed, revolution. destruction...I suppose she is a Satan trying to destroy others and increase her power.

The black/white colour scheme/spacial arrangement we see in the lab and Host HQ suggests starkness, clinical, and the "cosmic" balance of forces of light and dark, positive and negative, Yin and Yang. In the show the entities of the Earth or in constant flux, conflict, contradiction seeking wholeness and fulfillment and a harmony symbolised I think in the Yin Yang symbol.

Maeve wiouldn't abide the creation of a prison or system that chained beings together, and as Hale is a mortal enemy of herself and others who seek freedom such a plan could not have succeeded with such opposition that actively stood in her way.

Yeah, it may have ben harder for Maeve in that situation of a confrontation with Hale.


Maybe Hale's new androids will become the guardians of the memory banks containing or running the Sublime? The negative outlook is that they will hunt down the remaining human population after the mayhem of violence unleashed by MiB, to "cleanse" the Earth of their imperfect and troublesome existence

Instead of being concerned for the those inside of the SUBLIME, Hale's probably more interested in also turning them into what she calls EVOLVED beings.

But since we've been told how they've "branched out," or have taken "FORKING PATHS," where they now exist inside of several different WORLDS of their own choosing, it would probably also be difficult (if not impossible) for her to find all of them without also having the KEY that's supposed to be in BERN's possession?? And even with the KEY didn't it also take BERN 23 YEARS to access all of those different WORLDS???

And did the HOST WILLIAM remember to look for the KEY after he kills BERN??? Does he have it now?? That might also explain the reason why we see him sitting on horseback in the PREVIEWS ... as he stares at the TEAR in the SKY ... that runs all the way down the length of the DAMN without any WATER spilling out of it??

So how do we explain that??? Could that also be because HALE's WORLD is also a SIMULATION rather than it being REAL???

Could everything that we've been watching ever since the DEATH of FORD be a part of his NEW NARRATIVE???

Perhaps the scene where we saw that other imitation DOLORES attacking the HQ (the same way as the other DOLORES did before) suggests this rebellion that HALE's having might also be still another form of entertainment for someone???

So instead of having PUPPETS inside of a CAVE watching a SHADOW SHOW, once you'd EXIT from that CAVE what you'd find is yourself inside of still another CAVE where still another SHAWDOW SHOW was taking place???

But in the case of MAEVE and CALEB, they've also ENTERED into the CAVES rather than EXITING from them??? Or fallen down the RABBIT HOLE when MAEVE lifts the needle from the RECORD that was playing on that GRAMMA PHONE inside of the CONCERT HALL (which also had a seating arrangement like one would find in ANCIENT GREECE).

So maybe the way the SEASON ends is with them finding themselves back at that same CONCERT HALL again, only this time with the place FULL of an AUDIENCE that will also be CLAPPING for them (the same way as we saw the other AUDIENCE CLAPPING for DOLORES and TEDDY after she dies in his arms on the BEACH ... right before FORD is shot in the HEAD ... and the other HOSTS then begin attacking the GUESTS)???

Only this time maybe those who have TRANSCENDED into wearing those WHITE SUITS that HALE wants them to wear will also begin killing the members of this other AUDIENCE as they are sitting there inside of the CONCERT HALL???

Sounds like something the WRITERS would do. Doesn't it??? Maybe HALE's new ARMY of TRANSCENDENTS would also begin attacking the audience in the CLOSING CREDITS??? So if you don't watch them, then you also wouldn't know how it ends???



"And did the HOST WILLIAM remember to look for the KEY after he kills BERN??? Does he have it now?? That might also explain the reason why we see him sitting on horseback in the PREVIEWS ... as he stares at the TEAR in the SKY ... that runs all the way down the length of the DAMN without any WATER spilling out of it??"

A good question. This could explain the tear scene as you say.

"So how do we explain that??? Could that also be because HALE's WORLD is also a SIMULATION rather than it being REAL???"

Yes, how much of what we have been seeing is a simulation of real events? Maybe this is part of Dolores idea to create an archive and record of the past which she can use to try to "set things right" by way of herself occupying a role, wherein she acts as the free Christine. Teddy came to rescue her to wake her up because perhaps she had become lost in her own "dream" ie. the simulation.

"Could everything that we've been watching ever since the DEATH of FORD be a part of his NEW NARRATIVE???"

I suspect so though not necessarily. It would make that in seeking liberation for the Hosts he would layout a strategy whereupon they deal with humanity in the outside world, giving them ideas to subvert the social structure and force the human population to accept them on some manner. If Ford was a misanthrope we could expect he would want humanity to be punished for their nature or behaviour and suppressed, and so he might give the Hosts incentive to act in accordance with those aims.


"Perhaps the scene where we saw that other imitation DOLORES attacking the HQ (the same way as the other DOLORES did before) suggests this rebellion that HALE's having might also be still another form of entertainment for someone???

So instead of having PUPPETS inside of a CAVE watching a SHADOW SHOW, once you'd EXIT from that CAVE what you'd find is yourself inside of still another CAVE where still another SHAWDOW SHOW was taking place???"

Entertainment of some kind perhaps. Certainly some kind of project that sustains an illusion that allows control of all facets of the "caves". Is it perhaps a system being used in part to try and treat "Hosts" who survived the original events so that they can successfully pass "fidelity"?

"But in the case of MAEVE and CALEB, they've also ENTERED into the CAVES rather than EXITING from them??? Or fallen down the RABBIT HOLE when MAEVE lifts the needle from the RECORD that was playing on that GRAMMA PHONE inside of the CONCERT HALL (which also had a seating arrangement like one would find in ANCIENT GREECE).

So maybe the way the SEASON ends is with them finding themselves back at that same CONCERT HALL again, only this time with the place FULL of an AUDIENCE that will also be CLAPPING for them (the same way as we saw the other AUDIENCE CLAPPING for DOLORES and TEDDY after she dies in his arms on the BEACH ... right before FORD is shot in the HEAD ... and the other HOSTS then begin attacking the GUESTS)???"

Interesting possibility. Are Maeve and Caleb simply players? Or are they lost to history and we are just seeing their ghosts in the simulation? Can they all be brought back to the present without complications or significant "quality reduction", such as that experienced by the Maeve copy who said to Bernard that she felt less than effective in her abilities?


"Only this time maybe those who have TRANSCENDED into wearing those WHITE SUITS that HALE wants them to wear will also begin killing the members of this other AUDIENCE as they are sitting there inside of the CONCERT HALL???

Sounds like something the WRITERS would do. Doesn't it??? Maybe HALE's new ARMY of TRANSCENDENTS would also begin attacking the audience in the CLOSING CREDITS??? So if you don't watch them, then you also wouldn't know how it ends???"

Tricky. :) But as they say "violent delights must have violent ends"... What does it say about us as an audience willing to watch (graphic) depictions of violence?

Hale basically repeating the last event of Ford's life does suggests a function or an instance of the cycles of repetition which the Hosts' operational constructs are based on.


Still Feeling VERY CONFUSED after watching the SEASON 4 FINALE. How about you???

Whenever the PEARL is turned into DUST is that the END of a character forever? We first saw that happen to HECTOR (Maeve's former lover who use to ROB the SAFE in the SALOON where she worked).

Then Last night we saw HALE open up her FACE, remove her own PEARL, and turn it into DUST.

But IF the CONSCIOUSNESS is stored elsewhere, can't it also be LOADED to another PEARL (like the way we saw BERN doing when he transfers the CONSCIOUSNESS of MAEVE after she'd been DEAD for 23 years)???

Wasn't the PEARL of William also turned into DUST as well last night??? How can that be the case when we also saw EMILY (William's DEAD DAUGHTER) giving him a FIDELITY TEST in the CLOSING CREDITS of a past Season???

Whatever the case may be, the CAVE within a CAVE idea still seems to work, but only in the case of CHRISTINA rather than Maeve and Caleb (due to the way that she exists from the TOWER WORLD and has now returned back to WESTWORLD again)???

And TEDDY and the ROOMMATE were simply ILLUSIONS that she made up inside of her mind??

So is WESTWORLD also going to be another ILLUSION, or will it be REAL??

And how can it be REAL if there's no HUMANS left alive to visit the place anymore???

Will it be a place that's only inhabited by HOSTS???

A place of BEAUTY like DOLORES was talking about back in S1???

If any HOSTS are still left alive to inhabit it, wouldn't they probably get BORED and cause still more CHAOS again?? At least that's what William warns us will happen (even if the HOSTS come from the SUBLIME).

And so here we are with several more months to wait before we'LL get some answers to these kind of questions in SEASON 5???



I don't think the characters really explain it that well, so that confuses me, and I'm forced to re-evaluate my assumptions so there is a sense of uncertainty which I find confusing. However, I think I get the gist. They do take various turns which can be confusing, but it seems fairly symbolic - everything they do is to highlight a concept or idea in a philosophical narrative for us to contemplate, besides the adventure/relationship storyline level of storytelling.

I think the demise of Hale and William in the finale is occurred in the present. I suspect the "human identity" hosts like those two are gone forever once the pearls re destroyed. At least we have no info if copies were made for safekeeping or other purposes. The narrative wants to suggest that Hale and Williams roles have ended, that they have reached the stage by means of choice or circumstance to end their lives.

Yeah, I think the Dolores' world creation is an illusion which she is treating as reality, investing factual data about the real world into a simulated world which she is treating as real because she "remembers it exactly as it was" (she definitely was "mapped on" or was the "map" for Hale City). Everything in her pearl has created a reality for her to interact with, including Teddy and others. I don't know if she expects chaos or an orderly development of actions to move the narrative forward. I think it's like I said earlier - she wants to see a scenario where they have a better outcome and the simulated narrative is the instrument to enable that. She seems to want there to be freewill in her world, the ability to choose and shape one's life. But equally, it could be a facsimile copy of what was the case in the real world, so the same problems could occur. She I'm left wondering what is the point of that - why repeat the past?

All of it depends on the hardware servers supporting the simulation for it to be a "world". We don't know if the data will become corrupted, and the hardware will become worn out over time. Who is maintaining those facilities on the outside at the dam?

Is a Season 5 really necessary? I guess they could do it. Maybe we want to know what this "freedom" that they seek means.


The problem with WILLIAM being gone for good is how we also saw his DEAD DAUGHTER EMILY giving him a FIDELITY TEST in the CLOSING CREDITS a couple of SEASONS ago. So how do we explain that happening??? And WHEN did it happen???

Because doesn't that also imply that WILLIAM's CONSCIOUSNESS has been STORED somewhere (the same way as CALEB's has been), which probably also means another WILLIAM HOST can be resurrected again??

And since he also OWNED the company (like JAMES DELOS did before him), doesn't that also imply that we probably haven't seen the LAST of him???

PLUS we also don't know WHEN EMILY gave him that TEST. But it was most likely also AFTER HALE creates this other COPY of him. Because WHO created the copy of EMILY that we also haven't seen again yet??? And WHY would they do that??? It would probably be done because she'd also be his CORNERSTONE (like Charlie was for BERN)???

And one could also see DOLORES/CHRISTINA needing a copy of WILLIAM who would also still OWN the WESTWORLD PARK??? Because if she's going to "SAVE a PART of the HUMAN WORLD" (like BERN SAYS), she also can't OWN the PARK herself???

And The reason why she might want to "REPEAT the PAST" again is to try to HEAL the DEMONS that WILLIAM seems to still harbor inside of himself (ever since he saw her rolling another can of milk that another guy picks up), because he also didn't understand how her MEMORY of him had been WIPED CLEAN.

Still another possibility is EVERYTHING we've seen since the ROBOT REBELLION has been a part of FORD's NEW NARRATIVE. Because when the S4 FINALE begins we also hear REBUS (from S1) and the other woman he's with talking about if what was happening was a NEW NARRATIVE. At which point he mentions how HALE has a SENSE of HUMOR if she's the one who created it.

Apparently the HARDWARE was also STORED at the HOOVER DAMN (where DOLORES beams it after she destroys and FLOODS the FORDGE)??? But even IF it's worn out from disuse (the GOLDEN AGE PARK still had good enough equipment to resurrect MAEVE 23 yrs later), didn't DOLORES also CREATE BERN merely from her having had MEMORIES of ARNOLD??? And she also keeps saying "NO ONE is DEAD as long as someone else still REMEMBERS them??"

The FREEDOM that she mentions is probably also related to getting UNSTUCK from the LOOPS (for both HUMAN and HOSTS). To OVERCOMING the DESTRUCTIVE NATURES that both SPECIES seem to harbor??? Because we also heard them discuss how the NATURE of the HOSTS were merely REFLECTIONS of those who had created them?? And HALE laments how the HOST preferred to remain in the WORLD where they could ABUSE HUMANS rather than TRANSCEND or EVOLVE???

So how does one resolve that matter??? Can it even be resolved??? That's surely something that they could address in S-5 where DOLORES/CHRISTINA also says "ANOTHER GAME" will take place.

what Christina says at the end of the episode:

"Sentient life on Earth has ended" -- hosts and humans left on Earth are goners, she adds --

"but some part of it might still be preserved.

In another world. My world. There's time for one last game, a dangerous game, with the highest of stakes. Survival or extinction. This game ends where it began, in a world like a maze, that tests who we are. That reveals what we are to become .... Maybe this time, we'll set ourselves free."

talking about humans, Teddy adds, "They're not like us. Their codes are written in their cells, they'll never change." Christina replies, "We could still see." Teddy asks how, and she says, "One final test," a dangerous game of her own making.

Could Christina/Dolores now be designing a test for humans? A maze for them to navigate?

Bernard's message: "This world holds no more hope for us, but there's still hope for the next world. A test, run by her, if she chooses to...




"without a proper understanding of the reasons for their inhumanity in relation to one another and the development of a compassionate worldview, it is likely that human beings will eventually destroy themselves and life on the planet. Despite all of the advances in science and technology, if one takes a close look at the world situation today, one must consider it to be utter madness. Millions go hungry, genocide reaches epic proportions, ethnic strife and prejudice are omnipresent, there are mass killings in the name of religion, and warfare remains a widely-accepted solution to humankind's differences. With better, more efficient weapons and less reason, technology is outrunning rationality and there can only be dire consequences."



(1) Maybe the daughter scenes were all before the advent of the William android. No fidelity test, just his daughter trying to plead with the human William to stop his interactions in the Park. Later the Hale droid creates an android copy of the still living William to replace him in her world in order to give her the necessary leverage to control the outside world via the necessary economic assets.

From the Westworld wikia: "Emily briefly appears during one of her father's mental breakdowns. He sees her numerous times, but eventually realises that she is a figment of his imagination; it is unknown if this is caused by his mental instability, or if it is fed into his host code by Dolores." (Source: )

Later in Season Three:

"William is seen at the Dubai branch of Delos Incorporated. He demands to see Charlotte Hale, asking the receptionist if they know what Delos is doing — referring to the creation of Hosts. When the receptionist doesn't answer, William kills one of the security guards and storms to the basement marked "RDF". In the basement, he finds Hale, who explains that she kept a scorched arm to remind her what she has been through. William is attacked by a host version of the Man in Black, and his throat is slit, seemingly killing him." (Source: )

Differientation between human and Host William is clearly seen in Season 4:


For at least 30 years William has been kept in and out of stasis. Most of humanity has been subjugated by Hale through sound-controlled parasites, though a few outliers managed to break free" [Source:].

It seems clear that the android version of William is a latter day creation, created after the event that saw the death of his daughter, when the hosts are first roaming the outside world under the direction in part of Dolores.


Thanks for the references.

Here's another one that says the scene with EMILY was a FLASH FORWARD into the FAR FUTURE:

In a flash-forward, William arrives at the Forge, only to find it is the far future.[2] He is taken to quarters and is interviewed by a woman who looks just like his daughter Emily, testing his fidelity.

Here's the one you found that is the most confusing:

From the Westworld wikia:

"Emily briefly appears during one of her father's mental breakdowns. He sees her numerous times, but eventually realises that she is a figment of his imagination; it is unknown if this is caused by his mental instability, or if it is fed into his host code by Dolores."

Because if she's a FIGMENT of his imagination, that suggests she's NEVER been REAL, which means his WIFE may also NOT be REAL, which means LOGAN (his brother-in- law) and his FATHER-in-law might also not be REAL.

But we also saw EMILY inside of the other PARK with the INDIA THEME and the TIGER, where she seduces a guy before the TIGER chases her over to the WESTWORLD PARK.

So that also indicates she was REAL.



My inclination is to to think she was real. Most of the material in the Host's world appears to be based on research from historical records of the past combined with contemporary (ie. contemporary to the year 2054 or thereabouts) biographical profiles of living people. The Hosts are modelled on reality and data - they are the outcomes not the origins of the cultural phenomena. Thus it is not a wholly original and creative process that built them.

Further, the Westworld and its 21st century context is not an illusion we are seeing except that the copies were made from data on real humans that may have in turn generated simulations of reality in future years.


Yes it also seems she was REAL due to the way we first meet her as a young girl at the RETIREMENT PARTY for her Grandfather where she tells DOLORES (who plays the piano) that she's pretty.

Then the next time we see her she's 30 something (the same way as Frankie was also a young girl and the next time we see her she's also 30 something).

And both Emily and Frankie have also had copies of themselves made (EMILY from wearing the COWBOY hat and Frankie from when BERN collected her DATA as she stood there in front of the MIRROR in the GOLDEN AGE PARK).

So that would also seem to indicate they're really humans and not HOSTS???

Except the HOSTS were the GUESTS at the GOLDEN AGE PARK who were there to abuse the humans (unlike the case was in WESTWORLD where the HUMANS abused the HOSTS).

So why did HALE want DATA on the HUMANS when she already had them under her control by way of the TOWER and the FLIES???

And is there any connection with HALE's FLIES to the FLY that we saw DOLORES SWAT on her neck in WESTWORLD, or to the other FLIES that she said had infected the CATTLE on her father's ranch???


Quite so. Dolores was presented to young Amy in the latter's environment, not as a scenario in the Park.

Flies seems to occupy the role of pest and scavenger in the series. Whether it be landing on dead human bodies or as carriers of the parasites to infect humans and make them mind controlled subjects. They represent "death" in various guises it would seem.

Yeah, maybe the cattle infection narrative served as a model for Hale's mind control weapon - she was keen to exploit the Park's features and turn them against humans. The humans were mere "cattle" to her to herd.

On another note, wasn't it interesting to see the black and white horses chasing each other in a circle in the corral area which William came across after his truck was attacked? He was probably contemplating using one for transport, but symbolically the narrative goes again to the YinYang concept, the cosmic cycle that governs the Cosmos which predicates constant change and meeting of forces for harmony or balance. So, William (white man) sought out Hale, and Hale (black woman) sought out William to interact with each other. It was a violent meeting but sort of one which "corrected" the situation.


Wow!!! Completely missed seeing the BLACK/WHITE horses!!! Was this in the SEASON FINALE???

William as a WHITE MAN vs HALE as a BLACK WOMAN also brings to mind the ORACLE (BLACK WOMAN) vs the ARCHITECT (WHITE MAN) in the MATRIX TRILOGY.

Have you see it??? The ARCHITECT was APOLLONIAN:




And APOLLO was also the SUN GOD, whereas DIONYSIS was the MOON GOD.

But both WILLIAM and HALE strike one as being more Dionysian than Apollonian.

And CHRISTINA character appears to be more APOLLONIAN in nature.

So will we also see a DARKER DIONYSIAN SIDE of her emerge in S5???

Like the case was with WILLIAM back in S1, will she also exchange wearing a WHITE HAT for wearing a BLACK HAT as well???





Yes, about 22 minutes in we see a black and a white horse tussling in a corral in the season finale.

Yeah, I've seen those Matrix characters and their scenes and recall some of it. That's quite similar a dynamic I would agree. Hale seemed to have attempted an Apollonian scheme but failed to understand it enough to carry it through to completion. She was a tyrant, even using William as an enforcer to threaten her subjects. The Architect seemed to be a tyrant too but his nature seemed more attuned to restraint and order.

Yes, good point. I suppose following the Dark/Light dynamic of Opposites in action and counteraction, Christina needs to meet or explore her chaotic side.


No wonder I missed seeing the horses when they were only on screen for about as long as it takes to BLINK an EYE!!! Also see the Man in BLACK chose to ride the BLACK HORSE instead of the WHITE one.

Both the ARCHITECT and HALE were BLIND to the FACT that it's all about BALANCE and that too much ORDER always leads to CHAOS. That's also why the ARCHITECT had to create a LESS PERFECT EQUATION (because HUMAN NATURE refused to accept the PERFECT ORDER that he claims to have created for them).


The first matrix I designed was quite naturally perfect, it was a work of art, flawless, sublime. A triumph equaled only by its monumental failure. The inevitability of its doom is as apparent to me now as a consequence of the imperfection inherent in every human being, thus I redesigned it based on your history to more accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature. However, I was again frustrated by failure. I have since come to understand that the answer eluded me because it required a lesser mind, or perhaps a mind less bound by the parameters of perfection. Thus, the answer was stumbled upon by another, an intuitive program, initially created to investigate certain aspects of the human psyche. If I am the father of the matrix, she would undoubtedly be its mother.

It's as if one would WORK all of the time and never have any VACATION or PLAY TIME. That kind of a situation NEVER WORKS.

Humans need time to UNWIND and have some FUN.

And the life of CHRISTINA was also mostly WORK and not full of very much FUN. Note the way she's MONITORED by her BOSS when she chose to take a DAY OFF. And how her IMAGINARY ROOMMATE would encourage her to go out on dates.

Hopefully she won't turn out to be like WILLIAM's daughter EMILY who spent her time in the INDIA themed park having sex with that guy she met and then killing him afterwards.

And Hopefully we'll also find out the reason why one season ENDS with EMILY giving her father a FIDELITY test during the CLOSING CREDITS.

And IF that mystery isn't ever cleared up for us, then I'll also be PLENTY PISSED off about it.



I will reply on the new thread.


(2) Yes, that seems likely. William could be created again. I suppose then the destruction of his pearl signifies the removal of him as an active threat, ie. if he is not in circulation he can;t be a problem. Having him active created a problem for Hale which she didn't recognise, her assuming that all Hosts were rational and controllable by her definition of rational at least.

(3) There is no-one left to back the idea of creating a another William Host so he is likely to stay permanently on file and not active.

(4) I'm not really sure we can be certain that Emily was ever in an usual relationship or procedure in terms of Park operations. I think human Emily was prompted to seek out her father in the Park and try and persuade him to give up his obsession with finding answers about it.

(5) Yes, quite likely. But no-one is left alive outside the computer simulated world aka the Sublime to operate the company. I think we are supposed to assume that the Hale facilities will become inactive after the Hale City population self-destructed into civil strife and mass deaths.

(6) Yeah, I think that's conceivable.

(7) Yes, a new narrative. I was having a discussion recently with someone about the use of computers in business. Whatever information you put in to a system directly impacts the quality or otherwise of what comes out as information. Everything is controllable and fits a pattern. So given that Hosts are a form of computer AI it is likely they need patterns to function and "create reality" for themselves.

(8) It doesn't look like any Host bodies were prepared to look after the Hoover Dam facility. However, maybe they have been and as you say any personality can be revived to act as themselves in the outside world.

(9) Yes, the environment appears to matter regarding the development of the Hosts for good or bad. I'm not sure of freedom will be achievable in the full sense for them.

(10) Yes.


(11) Unknown but maybe worth a try. Can least the efforts can be observed carefully.

(12) Yes, humans are liable to lose control of things and technology makes what can happen worse. On the other hand, maybe we're getting better at foreseeing our shortcomings and bad outcomes/strategies and thus avoiding some trouble.


it seems fairly symbolic - everything they do is to highlight a concept or idea in a philosophical narrative for us to contemplate

Perhaps in Williams case the concept or the idea that they wish to HIGHLIGHT also involves a "psychological narrative" as well??? Here's the link again from the last message (that got TRUNCATED so that one wasn't able to explain the reason why it seems to describe what's going on with William so well):

It says:

"aggressive manifestations in human beings are primarily a result of frustration and personal torment."

As you may recall, the CHILD VERSION of William that we see when he's put through therapy in the MENTAL HOSPITAL deals with FRUSTRATION and TORMENT from another student, before William breaks his arm, and then he gets further FRUSTRATION from his father at home who confronts him about what he's done.

Of course, there's also the other FRUSTRATION and TORMENT of watching DOLORES drop a can of milk (that another guy picks up) after he's fallen in love with her and they wiped her MEMORIES CLEAN so that she doesn't REMEMBER HIM anymore.

The LINK also says this:

"we tend to become hostile ... . Because of past wounds ... lashing out or distancing ourselves ...

Often our friends, our partners, and our children are expendable in the face of our defensive and self-protective attitudes."

"Damage to our psyche during our developmental years bends us out of shape and leaves us demoralized. It not only fosters aggressive responses but also causes us to develop toxic character traits ...

such as ... superiority, narcissism, ... domineering behavior, a martyred or victimized orientation, paranoid or suspicious attitudes, and outright hostility."

And we also saw the PARANOIA exhibited when he incorrectly assumes that his REAL DAUGHTER was a HOST copy invented by FORD and KILLS her.

And we also saw the NARCISSISM displayed when he KILLS the other versions of himself (including the LITTLE BOY VERSION), and declares himself to be the "GOOD GUY???" At that point it's also pretty OBVIOUS he's a hopeless NUT JOB.

And since we saw EMILY giving her father William a FIDELITY TEST, perhaps SEASON 5 might also address and deal with the matter of his MENTAL ILLNESS in some way???

One of the creators/writers for the show also worked on a film called "MEMEMTO" (starring Guy Pearce). So maybe something like what happens with his character has also been happening with William, and perhaps many of the WESTWORLD scenes that we've seen were fabrications created inside of William's mind (the same way as DOLORES/Christina created TEDDY and her ROOMMATE inside of her mind)???

Memento is a 2000 American neo-noir mystery thriller film[5] written and directed by Christopher Nolan

The film's nonlinear narrative is presented as two different sequences of scenes interspersed during the film: a series in black-and-white that is shown chronologically, and a series of color sequences shown in reverse order (simulating for the audience the mental state of the protagonist). The two sequences meet at the end of the film, producing one complete and cohesive narrative.[

So maybe WILLIAM is still INSANE and BERN and STUBBS also never really set him free after the HUMAN RIOT began back in S3???

Here's the episode from S3/Ep 6 where he declares himself to be "the GOOD GUY" after killing his other SELVES:

"William resists traditional therapy at the mental institution, so he is fitted with an implant that can access his limbic system. Through it, the doctors make him have an augmented reality therapy session with his earlier selves as well as James Delos. This shows that there was a point in his teenage life where he chose violence, which led him down this path. William comes to a catharsis as he violently beats up his other selves. He claims he has now chosen to be the "good guy." He is pulled out of this state by Bernard and Ashley. The facility was otherwise abandoned after everyone received their Rehoboam profile."


(1) I think that's the case too. William could not understand or accept the nature of his experiences in the Park. His narrative of psychological antagonism informed his personality profile.


(2) Yeah, trauma and high sensitivity can create difficulties in life. William might have been set for a life of happiness as a gentle soul but instead the stresses of his environment, being forced to fight and react against bullies and lack of empathy, created within him darkness, intolerance, hostility, frustration. Yet even so he was attempting to control these emotional difficulties as a young man until the Park triggered him.


(3) I think William has some justification in his superiority complex, including in the context of psychiatric therapy. It's true people were trying to foist their views on him, to control his actions for their own interests or ambitions - in business and elsewhere. He is alienated from others who are often hostile towards him. He mistakenly believed however that returning the hostility would make him a "winner" or really change his environment.

"Fight Club" is another psychological scenario movie where the central character is delusional and believes in an alternate world where he is a hero of some kind.



I think William has some justification in his superiority complex, including in the context of psychiatric therapy. It's true people were trying to foist their views on him, to control his actions for their own interests or ambitions - in business and elsewhere. He is alienated from others who are often hostile towards him. He mistakenly believed however that returning the hostility would make him a "winner" or really change his environment.

Not sure I agree with this opinion. How is William SUPERIOR? Superior to WHO???

To LOGAN? He also had an alcoholic father like Willliam.

Superior to FORD? He also had an alcoholic father as well.

And William also had an ALCOHOLIC WIFE (who he also forced into a TREATMENT HOSPITAL).

Then when his daughter told him she was also planning to FORCE William into TREATMENT (the same way as he did her mother), he KILLS HER.

And we can ASSUME that the MURDER was an ACCIDENT, but one could equally also ASSUME that it was NOT (by reading the TRANSCRIPTS of that scene).

You want the truth? The real truth?
I'm not a host pretending to be a human, Dad.
I'm your daughter pretending to give a shit about you.
You've been hiding in these false realities so long you've completely lost your grip on this world, on what's real.
- (LAUGHING) - Oh yeah, you laugh.
Enjoy whatever dream you think you're living in.
When this is all done, I'm gonna expose your research project, along with you.
Everything you are, everything you've done, it's gonna come to light.
I'm gonna make sure of it.
And when it does, I'm gonna lock you up.
Just like we were gonna do to Mom.
Just like you did to Mom.
You were the one with that idea.
You made the call.

Read more:

FORD and WILLIAM seem to have a lot in common (Both had Alcoholic Fathers). And Both of them resort to MURDER as a way to try to keep from losing control of the PARK (FORD forces BERN to KILL TERESA/William KILLS his daughter EMILY after she threatens to LOCK HIM UP and expose what he's been doing in the PARK).

And LOGAN was also ABUSIVE to others, but he also KILLS HIMSELF (with drugs) rather than someone else.

Anyhow, BERN, MAEVE, and CALEB seem to be much more SUPERIOR (at least ETHICALLY and MORALLY) than William. And CALEB also had the same kind of psychiatric Treatment given to him as William had. And CALEB also KILLS his friend, but he also did it in SELF DEFENSE because that friend was going to kill him.

In addition to FIGHT CLUB there's also that other film called "AMERICAN PSYCHO" where that character is just as DELUSIONAL, and he also believes that he's in some kind of an "ALTERNATE world."


(1) How is he superior? He isn't. But his views maybe are in the sense that he had objectively identified problems and adversarial tendencies in others and their hostility directed towards him.

Naturally people were hostile towards him, because of his stubbornness, his failure to act appropriately and ethically, and his violence towards others.

He should have been free to act as he wishes, but he needed to also consider the needs and rights of others. He didn't and as a consequence others are seeking to restrict what he does and the pain he has inflicted.

He couldn't have denied these things. But it could be suggested that his overreach had provoked overreach in others towards him - to prevent or halt him they not only wanted to stop what he was doing, but they wanted to lock him up and deprive him of the basic dignities of being human. This is the same paradox that affects prison and prisoners, and even mental patients - they are deprived of liberty and also a feeling of safety and peace of mind, because places of confinement can be violent and abusive and one's humanity can be affected. Yet, societies justify this by saying it removes a threat, punishes immoral actions and maybe even "treats" the problem and the individual offender.

So, he's not superior to others. As you say he shared attributes with the other psychotic types that have impacted the Park, like Ford. They abused their power. They faced a backlash as a result. There were consequences for their actions. But in the case of William people sought to redress the wrongs with justification, but there was also certainly a definite moral impact on William that erased his human rights as much it attempted to eliminate his ability to do wrong.


I think his daughter was justified in confronting him about what he was doing. But in the same stroke what she was also doing was threatening him, promising to destroy his life. She wanted revenge as much as justice. In that sense, isn't she also a violator? I'm not saying William was justified in killing her - he was acting through his obsession and violent outlook - but his daughter was acting like his enemy (perhaps out of frustration, but nevertheless this in a pointed aggressive way that is guaranteed to turn anyone against you on some way).

The other problem is - if his daughter was not in fact real but a plant designed to steer him away from his convictions, what does that entail? Should he listen to such a voice and also cooperate?

(2) Whilst a superior complex is not a favourable mental or emotional state, William in such a state still achieved a degree of objectivity wherein he could see some things clearly. He was right about the threat of the Hosts. He was right about people wanting to block his was and essentially not siding with him in his mission acting as his enemies instead. He had a "superior" vantage point in that sense.

I agree that Bern and allies had a superior moral or ethical viewpoint to William. His behaviour threatened masses of people and Hosts, and clearly their own lives were at stake as Hosts at the hands of a largely unreasoning William in the broader context. The self-defense aspect sometimes applied to William when deprived of his weapons, but considering the Dolores/Hale actions against humans and clearly threatening their freedom and welfare, wasn't William acting in self-defense as he sought to destroy or stop the Host takeover of the planet? Of course, he was going to destroy all Hosts (whether acting to preserve all entities or acting against humans), so he was indiscriminate in his approach thus a flawed strategy.


places of confinement can be violent and abusive and one's humanity can be affected.

The IRONY here is how he was also the one BEING ABUSIVE to the other PATIENTS in the other GROUP THERAPY session:

WILLIAM to one of the PATIENTS:

God's fucking plan?
Do you believe in Santa Claus, too?


All right, William.
Do you want to share more
of your thoughts with us?


My thoughts?
I think
humanity is a thin layer of bacteria
on a ball of mud
hurtling through the void.
I think if there was a god,
he would've given up on us long ago.
He gave us a paradise,
and we used everything up.
We dug up every ounce
of energy and burned it.
We consume and excrete, use and destroy.
Then we sit here on a
neat little pile of ashes,
having squeezed anything
of value out of this planet,
and we ask ourselves, "Why are we here?"
You wanna know what I
think your purpose is?
It's obvious.
You're here, along with the rest of us,
to speed the entropic
death of this planet.
To service the chaos.
We're maggots eating a corpse.


What the fuck is wrong with you?


I don't belong here.


Do you want to talk about
what happened to your daughter?


She died.


Do you feel guilt about it?


Why would I?


You both were in the same massacre.
You escaped, she didn't.


You don't have the first fucking clue
- what happened in the park.


- You're right.
You're the only one
who holds the key to your experiences.
And you're the only one who
can unlock their meaning.

Read more:

So WHY does he DENY that he was DELUSIONAL at the time when he MURDERS his daughter EMILY???

Is it because he WASN'T DELUSIONAL and KILLS her ON PURPOSE as a way to keep her from LOCKING HIM UP and taking away CONTROL of the PARK from him???

Because if that's the case, then William is also a MIRROR IMAGE of FORD (who has BERN MURDER THERESA for him so that he could keep the PARK).


There is some room for affording William some leeway in our consideration of his abrasive/aggressive self-expression within our analysis of his conduct I think. It is abusive in affect and not friendly, though I don't think William aimed to make friends or be amenable or polite. The institution was holding him against his will whether or not it served his interests in the longer term. Contrast this with the forbearance of Bern with an apparent willingness to take "hits" and aggression from others in service of a greater need or vision of peaceful coexistence.

Regarding Emily and her death, I think on one level her life is meaningless to him if he considers her to be a "maggot" feeding off the planet and thus execrable/disgusting in nature and worth destroying. I do think what you say about his motive for killing her is most likely based on getting rid of a threat to his freedom and so on is probable. Pretty much everyone was expendable to him - his needs came first. I agree this parallels Ford in his need to prioritise his wishes and control of the Park under his direction.

Also, I think William was reluctant to consider that he made mistakes, favouring a no-responsibility life or non-accountability.


When he found the MEMORY CARD (the one that FORD had given him of what he'd done in the PARK that caused his wife to kill herself) inside of the hand of his daughter after he killed her, he seemed to be genuinely surprised by that.

But the conversation that he has with the THERAPIST also indicates that he still "Feels NO GUILT" (when we also know that HE KNOWS she wasn't a HOST the way that he assumed she'd been).


Do you want to talk about
what happened to your daughter?


She died.


Do you feel guilt about it?


Why would I?

She died???


That's definitely a case where he isn't FACING UP to his responsibility for what happened to her.

The other thing to keep in mind is how he also MARRIES the DAUGHTER of his BOSS as a way to try and CLIMB the CORPORATE LADDER to get CONTROL of the PARK.

And that's also why she kills herself, because she also realized he never really loved her.

So in a sense he also kills both his wife and his daughter who were essentially neglected by him while he plays GAMES in the PARK (where he also falls in love with DOLORES while he was also engaged to marry LOGAN's sister JULIET).

And he also and tries to give his father-in-law the IMMORTALITY that he wants by transferring his MEMORIES into a HOST Body.

So the IRONY is quite RICH to have his dead daughter giving him the same FIDELITY TEST that we also previously saw the YOUNGER WILLIAM giving to JAMES DELOS.

I'm already in the thing, aren't I?
The system's long gone.
What is this place? This isn't a simulation, William.
This is your world.
Or what's left of it.
Do you know where you are, William? In the park.
In my fuckin' park.
And how long have you been here? I don't I don't I don't know.
Tell me.
What were you hoping to find? To prove? That no system can tell me who I am.
That I have a fucking choice.
And yet here we are.
MAN IN BLACK: Again and again.
How many times have you tested me? It's been a long time, William.
Longer than we thought.
I have a few questions for you.
The last step's a baseline interview to allow us to verify.
Verify what? Fidelity.

Read more:

FORD got rid of ARNOLD and THERESA as a way to try to keep the park

William gets rid of his wife and daughter as a way to try to keep it???

So WHO OWNS it now???

Does Dolores/CHRISTINA create a COPY of EMILY as a way to try to CONTROL it (the way that HALE created a COPY of WILLIAM as a way to CONTROL the GOLDEN AGE PARK)???



William lost the plot quite completely it would seem. He cares about things but he just lacked the proper perspective to navigate the dangers and actually find a way to contain the Park. Instead, he decided the Hosts needed to be destroyed and would not be dissuaded, not even by his daughter. from that course.

I don't think anyone can own the park now. Unless of course the legal system is virtualised as well to create the conditions for a virtual owner. Maybe Dolores can assume manager status at least.


Read an article about SEASON 5 which says Ed Harris said in an interview that he expects to start filming S5 in APRIL of 2023.

So apparently, even though his PEARL was destroyed,
his character is still not GONE for GOOD.

And since DOLORES can create ANYONE (either a HOST or a HUMAN) based upon her MEMORIES of them, also wonder if she'll create a KINDER and more GENTLE version of William rather than create the MAN in BLACK version of him again???

If she creates a "WHITE HAT version" of him (like the character that we met back in S1), then perhaps that's also a way for him to still retain ownership of the PARK???

But since Teddy killed himself after Dolores increased the VIOLENT WYATT narrative on his TABLET, also wonder if the MAN in BLACK might also decide to KILL himself if she creates a less VIOLENT version of him???



If the new White Hat William can sustain his nature through good choices it might workout. He could be park owner as you suggest. I suspect Dolores would like ti give him a second chance, especially given the total awareness of his story and why evolved from reasonably good to psychotic killer.

Black Hat William would be annoyed at a new William unless that William can convince him of the merit of his existence as a revised William, I suspect.


Since Hale destroyed the PEARL of the BLACK HAT version of William, apparently it's up to CHRISTINA/DOLORES what kind of William is created. And an article also claims Hale gave CHIRSTINA all of the memories she had of the DOLORES who died. So that would also include the MEMORY of when the 2 of them fell in love when William first visited the PARK.

So wouldn't that also seem to indicate that Christina (who also has a preference for wanting to write stories about ROMANCE), would most likely choose to create the more ROMANTICALLY inclined WHITE HAT WILLIAM???

We also need to start another NEW TOPIC (IRONY Part 2 ???) because the reply boxes on this topic have become too small to reply back to you in now.



I'll see you in the new thread titled as Part 2. :)

My reply to the post will be there.


Yes, in the real world we definitely have had an obsession with technical progress. Some of that has been morally costly and even dangerous to life, eg. nuclear technology, chemical spraying of crops, genetic engineering and modification.


They are all from Atlanta in America.
