The worst Finale: much ado about nothing
Can anyone guess how many endings the finale had?
I counted maybe 3 or 4?
But seriously, this was a 2 hours of just much ado about nothing, the most retarded finale ever, which proves how these writers makes crap up as the go along.
We went back to the past, we are in the present, we are in Bernard's brain, No, wait, his brain lied to him? was actually his own voice.
Mauve died by acting like Moses and holding the Host attack, to allow her daughter and others to flee to another false world while dying.
But wait, Mauve is salvageable for season 3 and her posse too,
so stay tuned for Mauve's Admin Biblical acts all coming to you in S3.
Delores died but she was reincarnated as her nemesis: Charlotte Hale ?!
The plot thickens. Wow!
But wait, Hale or Delores who is in Hale recreated the real Delores and now she has Hale as a back-up copy;
I am getting confused?, Hale is Delores, Delores is Hale????
fck it, who cares, I just call her Delores Hale.
Bernard died on the beach talking to Ford,
No, wait, he was actually talking to himself.
No, wait, Bernard is alive again, he was reincarnated by Delores,
It's real Miracle !
Delores brought back Bernard as adversary in the real world,
But Bernard killed Delores earlier to Stop her?
But I guess Delores needs Bernard to stop her,
so she brought him back on purpose, to oppose her
but also be a rebuild the new world?...
that really made a lot sense..Lol
Finally the REAL ENDIND: (in Bold)
But lets save the best for the last after the titles ran,
Did you turn off and missed what came after?
in case you missed the biggest surprise or the punch line of this stupid show
William, MIB is actually a HOST himself, OMG<
what a Shocker?!.
Did your jaws dropped ?. :(0[
I mean, these writers are just so desperate they had to add that one right at the end after the tiles for the ultimate final cliff hanger. And here is how that info about MIB being a host, its also debunks what they showed us in season 2. We watched the older William visit "James Delos" who was the remake of Delos from his human mind to the robot, but as William said it kept failing. We watched William visit Delos right upto the scene where Bernard and Elsie found him and set him on fire, so that is the time line, which means William was a also a remake robot vising the remake Delos so how did he become so normal and Delos failed over and over?. Lets not forget he was cutting his arm for a while, and got his fingers blown off, but you would think by that time he would know he is Not real?..> This is how Stupid the story line keeps stepping over what its shown you to debunk itself.
But, We need MIB robot to go after these other robots as MIB is the man who is been remade over millions of times to have one purpose: to KILL.
If you honestly can't recognized how incoherent and how awful this show really is; then I guess HBO did what WW did to their guests; to fool you that this show actually is really about something or is got any depth or going some where.?. just a big eye candy production about nothing