MovieChat Forums > Westworld (2016) Discussion > This show WW is not that well written

This show WW is not that well written

After Almost two seasons I can honestly say that this show is not that well written? they took the premise of the "WestWorld Film" and did expand on it and yet this show feels is very poor in terms how the story is written, it really feels like they make it up as they go along. Last week was amazing, the best episode between the entire two seasons, but all the other episodes with these weird flashbacks of the past, bringing Ford back into irrelevant scenes with Bernard and Mauve, just seems like they are so desperate to fill up the time and those scene do NOT move the story forward. There is a arc in the story that is kind of missing or the writers keep stepping it over it and we go in circles by ending up in season 2 almost where season 1 ended which is No where ?


After Season 1 I realized that they were literally just making things up as they go to make the ridiculous plot and logic holes seem intentional. Oddly a lot of folks called this one of the greatest shows of all time.


You and I maybe in the minority because we are not FANBOYS, we think about what we are watching. Any time I see the name of JJ Abrams or Nolan in something on TV or Film, I get worried WTF they are tinkering with next?. If you pay attention to the time line and how some of the time lines just don't match and how they just add these stupid as you best said it " ridiculous plots" in episode after episodes to just fill the time. Mauve being in that Japanese scene made no sense at all, other than we find out she had Admin over hosts, which could have been done in the same narrative line.

Take Episode 8 when "Kiksuya" came to the find Maze toy was the same time Arnold died killed by Delores and we can see that establishes a time line, where if you listen to Ford in Episode 10 of first season he clearly tells you the Park was still not open and Arnold's death almost closed the deal, so if the Park was still not open how Kiksuya even exist or be active host at that time?. I urge you to go watch that episode 10 and how Ford talks about and how we see Arnold die was before the Park was actually opened.

This show is become so confusing for almost anyone watching it that even the people writing it are forgetting their own bogus narrative line. Death of Arnold was suppose to be over 30 years ago, that is a time line you can't go back and change but I guess they think people are hooked like its this amazing show, with weekly blood bath and new characters that they just throw in, so they can do anything they want with the FANBOYS. Who is there to question them once HBO sees the Money?

Michael Crichton is rolling in his grave if he knew the mess they made of his book>?. he really would have not allowed these people tinker with this work this way, Crichton was more of a visionary and very intelligent man and kind of head of his time.


The park wasn't open when Arnold died, but the hosts were very much there. If you can recall so much detail, you should also recall that Ford said they experimented with the hosts for years before opening up the park.


I'm sure I'll still watch.

But I'm going WTF!?? right now. They really lost me with the flashbacks and the Japanese with subtitles stuff.

I mean, I think I'm following what's going on, but am I really?? Who the heck knows? lol


That's all we can do is to WATCH...Lol

If you have access to go back and watch the first season just from Ep 6 to 10 and then
realize how these writers are just making shit up as they go along, because when you lay down the narrative then you don't keep adding to the narrative other info that doesn't support the narrative.

If you watch the Episode 9 and 10 in the first season and what Ford talks about, and pay attention to the TIME LINE then you realize none of it is matching what is happening in the second season. I don't think these people; the writers really thought this through prior to launching this show, to really full know what is the Beginning, middle and end like any good cohesive story.

This second season is a proof of how disjointed the story line is with scenes like the "Japanese with subtitles stuff", which really was just eye candy and nothing more. None of those Japanese characters moved the story forward or had anything to do with the plot but just to fill the hour and for FANBOYS go "Wow"...Lol. Whats even more funny is that this disjointed confused narrative has made some people (audience) think that's its the style of the

WestWorld is really is an empty hollow as a show, yet it tries so hard to project itself to be of depth?


It's definitely not the kind of show that tries to explain up front to the viewers what they're going to see. Ed Harris said they didn't tell him a whole lot about his character in season 1 until right before it was time to shoot the scene, but this season they were giving the actors their whole arc so they do have some idea where they're going with the story as a whole. HBO wants this to be the kind of show people go back and watch multiple times, so stuff we see in season 2 may not be as significant now, but it may tie into something that happens in season 4. Game of Thrones is like that, where season 6 had a lot of callbacks to season 1.


I totally understand what you are saying but Game of Thrones was written in a series of books, the writer and creators had to edit a lot of it but it was already a full written story to the point where we got now. If you ever find the documentary about the Making of star Wars, George Lucas had already done the entire full story prior to even shooting the first star Wars, yes they were stuff he cut out but the body and narrative line as to where it was going was there from its birth on paper. If you the Martix trilogy, the first one to this day is the best compare to the sequels, why?. because apparently those Wachowski brothers had copied someone's work and were in court for the original story and I think they eventually settled, that;s why the 2nd and 3rd are just awful, I mean the second one with the scene with the Architect was like you pulled the curtain and debunked what you had seen in the first Matrix. I feel this is exactly the same situation, ofcourse HBO and cast members like Ed Harris have to say something to the audience who is confused and lost in the Maze, but this show has now already got a following and people will watch it where ever it goes.
