What In the Hell Is Going On? SPOILERS!!!
This schizophrenic show is driving me nuts! Don't have a clue as to what's the past & what's being shown in the present. For starters, is Bernard with Elsie, the past or now? Is Bernard back at the HQ with Hale, Ashley & that other dude now or the past? Everything seems to be running together I don't know what's being shown & when.
Btw, good for Ashley! He got tired of putting up with Hale's crap & called her bluff. She finally grasped this was someone you were not going to talk down to, & I'm beyond happy Dolores made her squirm for her life. The way she went a head & spoke to her about ripping her father's brains out. She really needs a lesson in humility. Dolores took care of that real quick & Charlotte knew she meant business & started to beg.
Can someone tell me what's up with Anthony Hopkins's character of Ford? First I thought maybe he was going to be some kindly old wise sage/mentor to Bernard to atone for the past & to guide him now. Now he's gone full metal jacket & is having him kill again.
What is Ford's game? Does he want to destroy Delos? , Humanity? Does he want the hosts to rule? I'm not sure what's going on. First he comes off as a grandfatherly figure to Bernard, then he tells him he's taking away his "free will back" I'm like geez, can you pick someone else to do your dirty work?
Here I was thinking maybe he wanted to use Bernard to stop Dolores, but now that doesn't seem to be the case. So Bernard along with the enemy hosts helped slaughter everyone in the control room too. Why? I have no idea.
Guess the question of who's really superior has been answered. The Delo's commando's or the hosts? Everyone was putting down the Delo's forces for being so inferior but I guess when you're a machine you have superior targeting & shooting skills & quicker reflexes as well as greater speed & strength you have the upper hand. C'mon Dolores marched right in there & back out with her rag tag forces. They got taught a lesson for sure that I'm sure they won't soon forget.
Will Maeve been more on Dolore's side now or will she be grateful to that guy (forget his name) when he helps to repair her? This show is going off into too many tangents, I'm not sure what's happening now & what's going to happen. What do you all think about this? Would love to hear your thoughts.