S2E3 That battle in Fort Forlon Hope...
God that was stupid. After telling Ms. Hale that the team she was going with was among their best that easily got slaughtered by 1 woman who they couldn't even kill let alone only get 2 hits on her with full auto P90's... The whole shooting out in the open with dessert buggy's without any tactics then getting owned...
Also the symbolism of those poor all white men confederados killed by minorities & women from both sides when they shut the door on them. lulz!
The beginning was funny as well. The real guy she was fucking she didn't even bother checking on him after he got shot to see if he was still alive. She just bolts out of there running after killing one of the out of control hosts.
If WW were in real life, it would be made by progressive liberals in Silicon Valley where secrets leaked out about Podesta and those within the DNC will be about rich powerful men in the business using these robots as toys for pleasure be it molestation or child porn or other. Robots will go full #metoo #blm and start rioting, burning, and destroying the very fabric of the liberalism created world made for them by anarchy but not before demanding rights and free shit.