Despite its cheesiness...

This movie did teach a decent amount of good lessons to me as a kid. Don't fit into the mould you're being forced into, get to like people for who they are and not their social status, the time we have as kids doesn't last forever so cherish it....
I don't know, as awful as they are, I'm glad I was the obsessive ten year old I was over these movies.
For all their cheesiness, I think they still sent out the message they wanted to.
Whilst blessing us with the hilarious sequence of Zac Efron twirling around a golf course.


this movie saved my life


I don't care what anyone else says I think the time HSM was popular was the last really good period of Disney it was when this, Suite Life, Kim Possible, The Proud Family and yes even Hannah Montana were out and I thought all of them were really good.

"Don't they know they're making love to one already dead?!"

Love Les Miserables!!!
