That Channing Tatum song & dance scene
The best song and dance scene of any movie in the last ten years.
shareThe best song and dance scene of any movie in the last ten years.
shareYes Yes yes
shareAgreed - perhaps for longer. Not sure I've seen CT in a film before and I'm not dance film fan but I thought it was excellent.
I have always believed in the kindness of strangers
AGh If I wanted to watch an old boring as *beep* movie then I would watch one!
shareGood Lord, yes. The best part of the movie, imo.
sharedid anyone else notice it had some homosexual overtones? guys dancing with guys and the bartender yells at Tatum (when Tatum was in between two sailors and they were all grinding) that this isn't that kind of joint.
also it was funny when one of the sailors says, after all the dames have left, that he guesses that they're going to have to beat it, meaning leave the bar, and the bartender says that that is all you're going to be able to do is beat it. however, i think the bartender is referring to the fact that since all the dames are gone, the sailors will have to resort to masturbation.
while the movies of the fifties would never have elements such as these in them, not even as innuendo since it would never get past censors, i believe the Coen brothers wanted to have a little fun portraying these made up films of the fifties.
not even as innuendo since it would never get past censors,
Sexual innuendos have gone back that far. It usually isn't hard to find them.
shareYes, very much so.
You should watch the movie One, Two, Three (1961). It is filled with all sorts of sexual innuendos (no homosexual ones).
It's also really funny.
Hitler! C'mon, I'll buy you a glass of lemonade.
Too bad they don't award Oscars for best scene
shareGreat idea! There should be more "Best Scene" categories (at the Oscars, Golden Globes,etc.). I mean, a single scene can make or break a movie at least as much as a soundtrack. Examples:
"You talking to me?" (Taxi Driver)
The running scene (Rocky)
The Harvard bar scene (Good Will Hunting)
The opening battle scene (Saving Private Ryan)
The dance scene (Pulp Fiction)
"Do you feel lucky?" (No Country for Old Men)
Flying bicycles (ET: The Extra-Terrestrial)
I'm not sure how much of it was 'overtones'. Take a look at all the positions the guy are in, just as they freeze when they hear the knock as the door opens (and the other sailors join in).
shareYeah totally! I grasped like your good self all the double entendres, which made it hilarious to watch Probably this dance sequence was the best scene in the entire film imo.
shareAbsolutely. The highlight of the movie for me. If only the rest of it could have been as good.
shareLoved that scene too! Was wondering if Tatum was doing his own dancing and singing.
shareI would think so, even if he had not danced before he is an athlete and could easily learn what we see in the movie. Nowhere near as polished as one of the Gene Kelly or Fred Astaire dance sequences in the old musicals but pretty effective anyway.
It reminds me of that classic "Singing in the Rain" where teenager Debbie Reynolds had to dance with Gene Kelly who was a perfectionist when it came to dance routines. Reynolds had no dance training, she had to learn everything from scratch. She apparently worked so hard on it that some days her feet were bleeding. But if you watch her dancing in that movie you'd never guess that.
Channing probably did something similar to prepare for his role.
..*.. TxMike ..*..