Collins wife

I did not understand her relationship with Cal, Also did she stick with Collins in the end.


I'm not sure, but I think he had an affair with her. If not that, then he was romantically involved with her in college.


The journalist did sleep with her at one point and she chose Collins over him but I was talking about I did not understand what became of her and her husband in the end.


At one point, in the first meeting between the two guys, Afflekc said something like "I'm sorry for how we parted ways last time". I understood it as a big fight/arguement that occured in the past. The cheating of Robin Wirght w/ Crowe could be the reason ?


Who knows? What we do know is that Collins was arrested and probably prosecuted thus ending his political career. I imagine she stayed with him as seems always the way of things?


I think they had an affair in the past, that Collins found out about, but Cal didn't want to revive it. In the serial, it's the other way round - Cal and Anne have an affair during the story (which Collins finds out about), but Anne ends up walking out on both of them. Obviously, the serial could focus a lot more on the relationships - and Anne is a much more independent character than in the film.
