Car park chase scene

During the car park chase I was expecting Crowe to take on the "action-man" role and to challenge and fell the assassin.

Instead, I was pleasantly surprised when instead he simply used stealth and cunning to evade a confrontation with the killer and escape. This is the course of action that most normal people, including journalists, would take.


Good point! Cal was clearly overweight and out of shape; and he knew Bingham's background. This is one part of the movie that rang true.


I was so involved in the scene and his role as reporter that I was surprised when he was scurrying across the floor and I couldn't hear his footsteps. I didn't expect that sort of caution from him; I don't know why.


I really liked that scene because it showed that this reporter in the sights of a killer was - scared. Who wouldn't be. It would have been totally unrealistic to have him suddenly go all Tom Cruise on us.


sorry Mr. Biggles, but your statement is a bit idiotic.
What did you expect ?
That an average, overweight, unarmed man would confront an athletic ex-soldier who could break his neck in 2 seconds even if he were not armed with a gun (which he is) ??

Sorry, you are the kind of guy who watches too many action movies and then is surprised, that regular folks don't climb on walls like Spiderman …


Well, considering some of the parts Crowe has played in the past it's not all that surprising, Mandy. But the spark of truth here is refreshing. You're right, this type of man cannot and would-not confront such a beast. 


Sorry Mandy but your statement misses the point and your presumption about biggles penchant for Spider-Man type movies is very presumptious as you know nothing about him/her and you are being idiotic making such comments.

I have watched many Hollywood movies where the hero is portrayed as an action-man type character despite commonsense saying that such a portrayal is unrealistic.

Crowe's character is unfit, middle-aged and overweight and he is pitted against a professional assassin. In reality most of us, if we were Crowe, would avoid the confrontation by running and hiding. Despite this, Hollywood will frequently go for the confrontation angle. Thankfully this time they didn't.

That is the point I think biggles was trying to make.
