for hard core shia labeouf fans

I was just wondering if anybody knew if the dog that dito walks the first time, the white bulldog looking one, if that is Shia's dog in real life. I noticed the dog kept stalling and didn't look very trained and he kind of looks like Shia's dog. Anyone know?


I was thinking the same thing when i first saw it. its possible


That's really sad if there is such a thing as "hardcore Shia Ladouche fans"


*beep* you..there are



It's not sad..Shia LaBABE is amazing!



Your attempts to name calling fail.

Intolerance breeds Ignorance
RIP Heath


"agreed. Lapoof sucks."

How is Lapoof even an insult?

So I'm not sick? Except for this terminal disease?


hahaha lapoof.
that's amusing. because it's so stupid, it doesn't even make any sense.

Bang, bang
my baby shot me down


Hmmm... You only knew the answer because of the commentary on the DVD. Maybe not.

.....Unless you want to be.....?


I was wondering if that was Shia's dog as well. Apparently, it's not.

And to the haters: Why do you waste your time posting crap about Shia? Grow up already, and do something productive with your lives!

