maybe CERTAIN races get CERTAIN STEREOTYPES because of saying things like "i felt like crackin that broads head open" and "punk ass". ebonics suck and theres a good reason CERTAIN races make up a good percentage of the prison population :)
ebonics is apart of black culture in america it's been here since i'm not crying about slavery, or the history of this country, but if you're gonna comment on something thats apart of MY culture, then I'm gonna have to tell it like it is...
so...blame your ancestors for the use of ebonics in modern society, they're the ones that forced MY ancestors into creating a "language" that their "masters" would not understand, which basically paved the way for modern ebonics..and besides I'm not going to change the way i talk because some nerdy unhip racist d!ckhead doesnt approve of it lol...
as far as us making up "a good percentage of the prison population", that's just an idiotic unintelligent point to bring up...whites make up the majority of this country,which means you also make up a large number of inmates in prison, this ALSO means a good percentage of your people are on welfare and commit crimes in this see, it's the population difference, genius, it also doesnt help when you have a good number of cops targeting specific minority groups...