I thought this movie was overall a really touching movie that could have been a favorite except these things annoyed me too much:
1. MUSIC - Distracting to the extreme. The only part where the music helped set the mood was "Trouble" by Cat Stevens but the rest of it took away from the emotion of the movie. I think this really destroyed the movie in a lot of ways.
2. Sex sceneish - It was his life story yet he shows Antonio in a "sex" scene. Yeah...just thought it was weird and unnecessary.
3. Antonio- Kind of related to #2, it seemed that even though it was his life, Antonio was the main character. Just felt that the point-of-view was weird because of this.
4. Mike - It seemed that he was one of Dito's best friends but it really didn't get much into his character. I know it was a life story so obviously it goes from what Dito actually knows, but it just seemed after his death he only had one freak out about it and it was all forgotten.
(I also thought it was kind of a diss to dedicate it to your live in-prison friend, but not to the two you showed dying in the movie, though that's really his choice.)
I think there was something else but I can't remember. Anyone is welcome to explain, go against, or add to the list. :)
Running at Ron, Hermione flung her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth.