What song?

What song is playing when the doctor stops by Jenna's house, and she says something "Dear baby, I hope someday somebody wants to hold you for 20 minutes straight" or something like that.. Its towards the end because she is very pregnant.. Its one of the most emotional scenes from the movie, and I really want to know what song was playing during that part..


No One Is To Blame
by Emile Millar
From the Album Stay Here

You can preview the song and purchase it from amazon:



It's actually a cover by Emile Millar of an original 1980's song by Howard Jones.

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x20cbg_howard-jones-no-one-is-to-blam e_music

You're never really *beep* if you've got a good story and someone to tell it to. ~ Novecento




Details of the movie soundtrack can be found on the 'Waitress' IMDb website if you look under the heading of 'Fun Stuff'. Alternatively, I have posted a full list of tracks and their writers on this board under the thread entitled 'Song Help'.

I'd STILL like to know if there are any plans to release a soundtrack album though!
