MovieChat Forums > Waitress (2007) Discussion > What was te amount of the check

What was te amount of the check

Towards the ending of the movie the old man gives her a card with a check, how much was the check? Thanks


I thought it said $250,000, after watching it a few times that is the only number I can come up with.


I was curious about that too - I think it's $275,000, but it very well could be $250,000 - for some reason or another we the viewers aren't suppose to know the amount of the check. Her hands were positioned to cover the amounts - why do you think they wanted to make the amount of money a "mystery".


It is kinda strange that they make it a mystery...after watching it and pausing it, my guess is $270,450


Watched it in HD tonight, $270,450 is what I came up with too.


Thanks so much!


The trivia section talks about the amount of the check, and why they partially obscured the check.

SPOILER: Old Joe's check was apparently for $270,450, although the cursive total is partially covered by a thumb and the digits are off screen. (If you have zoom and freeze frame you can see the first part of the cursive writing when she first starts opening the check.) The amount was obscured on purpose through these methods and quick editing, according to the DVD commentary, in order to help avoid making the film seem dated in any way. The prop department, however, never did get the check quite right; Joe's address on the check is seen as "Box 12, Rural RT. 83, Southern USA."


It's funny they'd obscure the amount to stop it seeming dated, and yet let Ogie boast about his $30,000 job - which is going to make him look worse and worse off as time goes by.
I mean, I believe you, it's just funny - don't you think?


Beckyforland is quite correct. On the DVD commentary, star Keri Russell and producer Michael Roiff clearly state that the exact ammount of the cheque was obscured to give the story a 'timeless' quality. In fact, on the original cheque produced by the prop department, the name of the account holder was simply given as 'Old Joe' as though this were his legal name!

However, Aoloughin also raises an interesting point. By giving an exact figure for Ogie's salary - one which he seems to think is impressive - the 'fairytale' aspect of the film is undermined. The audience are now aware that, in this particular time and place, a man with a $30,000 salary is to be considered a success! This DOES appear to be inconsistant with Shelly's vision of a story set 'once upon a time'!


I thought it to be in the amount of $25,000...the same amount she would have won in the pie contest. But since Old Joe practically owned the town he could have given her more to start her life over again because he left her that note telling her to start fresh and a drawing of her how he last remembered her when he gave her the advice to start fresh because he new she was unhappy.

Don't tell God how big your storm is...Tell the storm how big your God is.


Beckyforland is quite correct. The amount of the cheque is in the neighbourhood of a quarter of a million dollars. The money that she received from winmning the Pie contest was just the 'iceing on the cake' so to speak.

To be honest, I think that actually WINNING the contest was more important that being given the $25,000 dollars by the judges. The fact that Jenna was publicly known to be the maker of award-wuinning pies would have been a huge boost to her moral. It wouldn't have done the diner's reputation any harm either.
