MovieChat Forums > Waitress (2007) Discussion > What's the song playing when the end cre...

What's the song playing when the end credits roll?

What's the song playing when the end credits roll? I don't mean the pie song by Quincy Coleman. The piano instrumental that begins with the exterior shot of the pie shop and continues as they walk down the road.


I tried to Shazam it but it came up blank. The last song listed in the credits is something like Don't Cry Baby, part written by Adrienne (is that the Pie Song you mean?) - maybe it's an extended intro to that.

Awight we're The Daamned we're a punk baand and this is called Carn't Be Appy T'day!


The song's correct title is 'Baby, Don't You Cry' and the lyrics entirely belong to Adrienne Shelly. It is the lullaby that she used to sing to her own daughter, Sophie, who plays Jenna's child Lulu in the film's closing sequence.
