MovieChat Forums > Waitress (2007) Discussion > The pies at the end. (spoilers)

The pies at the end. (spoilers)

I loved the scenes through out the movie in which you see the pie-making, in the beginning and when Jenna imagines new recipes.
At the very end we can see in Jenna's new pie shop/cafe that all her pies are fake-looking and there isn't much variety. All the pies are just dyed different colors.
I know it's a funny thing to be ranting about but it was just my favorite part of the movie to see all those original pies and the recipes.

Was anyone else bothered by this?


I kind of just assumed they were custard pies, maybe fruit flavored (I think I remember that some of them were garnished with fruit)and then dyed to a color that reminds people of the flavor... kind of like when people use food dye to make key lime pie green. As an avid pie maker myself, it kind of drives me crazy when people do this, though, so I understand how you feel. XD


The fake looking florescent green pie? Yuck!


The green one looked vile, but so did a few of the others. I have to say I wasn't at all impressed by quite a number (most/all?) of her creations throughout the film. I speak as a lover of pies... She made on with brie egg and ham, and just plonked the meat in a big pile in the middle, hardly any cheese, seemingly no seasoning or other flavours in the egg part - bleurgh!

I also thought the decor in the diner and the uniforms after she took over were horrible. I wouldn't eat there. The colour scheme (and possibly the food colouring in the pies) would give me a headache.


I actually made note of this to my wife while we watched this movie tonight. The colors are very bright at the end, and that includes the pies and the clothing people are wearing. Before the credits roll, Jenna literally walks off into the sunset with her daughter.

I believe the ending is supposed to represent a fairy-tale, so there are some elements of make believe to it. First of all, wouldn't Jenna have a car by then, given how much money she now has? Why would they need to walk off down a dirt road? The pies, too, look very fake, lending to the whole fairy-tale feel.

I am far from a great movie analyst. These were just my thoughts.



My grandfather grew up in Pennsylvania Dutch country, near Gettysburg, and one year at a family get-together he mentioned to my mother and aunts, that the family tradition for Sunday dinners and other celebrations was to have at least seven pies: A meat pie; a chicken pie; a fish pie; a sweet pie (like shoo-fly); a nut pie; fruit; cream; more fruit pies — et cetera and so on.

They labored for many years to keep up the tradition.

When he died, they asked his sister about this ritual, and why there were no pies at the wake: her response was that he was lying, and just wanted pie.

So far as the movie goes, most of her pies are full of chocolate pudding. That might be tasty, but it belies the fiction of her great kitchen creativity.


Has anyone ever had a strawberry- chocolate pie? The old guy played by Andy Griffith loved them.


I watched the movie for the first time last night, and noticed that too. I figured someone, prop person, whoever, got lazy! LOL! There were too many fake bright green pies too!


I did think the pies looked a tad weird at the end. I guess I'm spoiled by really good pies from great comfort food restaurants like the Blue Bonnet Café in Marble Falls, Texas. Now those are awesome pies (see attached).


Yeah those pies had unnaturally bright and unappealing colors. I wouldn't have been tempted by any of them! I remember thinking that at the ending scene.

I also remember thinking that their waitress uniforms were cute, but the restaurant décor was loud and that I wouldn't want to eat there.

"I'm sorry, but.." is a self-contained lie.
