MovieChat Forums > Waitress (2007) Discussion > What is the time-period of this movie?

What is the time-period of this movie?

In what year roughly is the time period of this movie?



I liked that about this film - no detritus of modern life, such as cell phones. I wonder if Ms. Shelly was influenced in that way by Hal Hartley whose films also seem to take place in anytime.


No, wasn't supposed to take place in any time. Doctors car was relatively new, 2005 being the earliest. I'm talking about his Lexus.

the truth is we can't all be stars, but I'll be god damned if I'll settle for bronze....


it's modern-day, but set in the deep south. things are a little behind down there. that's why the doctor's car is the only real sign of modernity... he's from connecticut.


Wow! I know this post was written years ago, but I'm so offended I have to reply. We are NOT behind the times just because we live in the Deep South. This movie takes place in a really small town that could be in Pennsylvania, New York, or California for that matter. I've lived in Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia my whole life, yet somehow I've had cable television since 1978, a home computer since 1985 and a cell phone since 1996. Amazing, isn't it??


The present. But as in many movies dealing with the South and rural America in general there's supposed to be something of a timeless quality to it. The outfits the waitresses at the pie diner wear are rather 1950s esque and Andy Griffith's character wouldn't have been out of place in that time period either.

The TRUE Hero of Lost:


I think that that if we view the movie in purely naturalistic terms, then the fact that the Doctor drives a modern car would place the film squarely in the 21st century. However, 'Waitress' is meant to be a fairy-tale, and the variety of anachronistic cars, buildings, hair-styles and even the uniforms of the hospital staff all serve to give the film a indeterminate 'once upon a time' quality.

The same technique was used in Terry Gilliam's fantasy movie 'Brazil', which is set 'somewhere in the 20th Century'. In that film, the residents of this unspecified police state wear a mix of clothing, listen to a variey of music and employ a range of technology which calls to mind everthing from Germany in the 1930's to Northern Ireland in the 1980's.
