Warrior Within movie

Say what you want about WW but I think that would make a great movie (with some extra supporting characters).


As long as they leave out:
The over the top angst
The stupid heavy metal
The pointless inclusion of curse words
Basically ALL of the weak ass attempts to make the game grittier, darker, and "more mature".

So.... no. Nevermind. I don't want to see this movie.
I'd rather them ONLY use Jordan Mechner's Prince of Persia games. None of the Ubisoft-only cash-ins that Mechner had no part of.


Oh no, I agree completely. WW would be badass. Excuse my language, but it would. I think the Dahaka would be great to see on the big screen. I have to say that WW and Two Thrones were my favorite of the series. Sands of Time was alright, but they left out all of the sand monsters and disney made it too child-friendly. I think if they made WW at least pg-13, it would be awesome.
Okay...I'm done being a super-crazy-weirdo fan. Lol ^-^

KATNISS: Stay with me?
PEETA: Always...
