Crazy Costume design!!!
When I first saw the movie the first thing that drew my attention was not the catastrophic level of historical inaccuracy or crazy plot (because they said its based on a video game) or set design, that I really don't know where did they get it from (A weak and weird complex set of India, Arabia and ancient Persia culture in very different time eras). It was the abysmal Costume design. It's not that it's wrong. I wished that it was entirely wrong, the crazy part is that it is completely swapped! First of all let me tell you that there is (& there was) no such thing as alamut empire (or country or ...). Alamut was a castle in medieval Persia that Hashashions (The Worlds First ever assassins) used as their base. There are a lot of legends and stories about that castle because of abnormal behaviour of its leader (Hasan Sabah) and its inhabitants. The problem is that the clothes that were presented as Alamutian was infact very much Persian also the makeup and hairstyle of Alamutians(!) was in fact too much Persian! In the beginning of the movie, in the fight scene between Dastan and Alamutian Rider(who held the dagger) everything was right except the part that it was COMPLETELY INVERTED! The clothing, hairstyle, beard, Spear of Alamutian rider was an exact replica of a real Persian Ancient warrior! If it was wrong, I could have easily said that they made an error (as always) BUT it was misplaced entirely. So please Disney! Next time you wanted to create a movie with a budget of 150 million Dollars, Spend 50k more to avoid such mistakes! There are someones who are called Historical Counselors. USE THEM!