I stumbled onto this page and the movie sounds great, but of course, like all great movies, I've never heard of it and would love to see something about it. Can anyone help?
THE GYMNAST will be released on DVD sometime over the summer and is currently making the festival rounds, so it my be in your area soon. Check their website www.thegymnastfilm.com for screenings!
What they are doing I think is making the rounds at all the independent film festivals and then are going to let it be marketed. Who knows, but then it may be good enough to open on the big screen! I hope so. Movies, they are a'changing! People are tired of the same old, same old actors and want to see what they want to see. This seems to be a great time in the movie business. If a person can use movie making equipment, hey, they are in business. And if the end result is good..........might be Oscar winning fare. I'm thumbs up on this kind of work. Now this is just what I think. Lots of movies do the circuit before opening up for a big market. Even what Hollywood puts out has to do a test market in a few cities to see it it's going to do any good. But if it doesn't, in video, lots of times the movie does well. It's just like a new industry than what we have been used to, say 20 years ago. What do you think?
" Who knows, but then it may be good enough to open on the big screen! "
It's a good thing to open on the big screen, but if it's on ten screens in the country an during just one week, where is the interest for fans and filmmakers ? In my country ( France ), a film like Imagine Me & You released on ten screens and during one week. It's a shame... And I'm quite sure it will be the same thing for The Gymnast.
Who is to blame ? Film distributor ? I think so...
Lots of good films don't deserve a " treatment " like this.
There are numerous reasons why some films end up just releasing straight to disk/video. One big one is that it costs a LOT of money to put them into wide distribution (many theaters, nationwide) -in a country like the US, you're looking at many thousands of screens overall. Thats an expensive proposition that MAY pay off. If they don't think it would be widely received by the public (or if they just have bad timing and it goes up against several other movies that are big box-office draws during the same time period, it could end up costing them money (taking a loss). While this looks like it would be a very well done movie -certainly plenty of depth and emotion- will it appeal to a wide enough audience to make it profitable? Sometimes the 'cheaper' route (straight to video) is the more profitable one -and make no bones about it. Art is fine, but if it doesn't pay the bills, then it is kind of tough to expect the artists to perform. Banks don't finance films for the fun of it -and few people can afford (and actually have the interest to do it) to just bankroll it themselves, and pray for a return. Its harder when the film is targeting a specific audience (which this one kind of feels like it is). I wouldn't feel upset that its only going to video. I'd be happy to just get a good transition to disk (instead of some of the crappy rush-to-disk jobs we see -which can totally ruin a movie -even a good one. )
Im in Canada and it's on TMN right now... probably on TMN on Demand (free with the TMN package). Pretty good. (I'm a heterosexual guy and like good films... or maybe it the whole lezzie thing???? no offense intended... good film)