New clips on Youtube

Anyone seen them yet? I got them via a Cillian fansite.

Here they are if anyone haven't seen them:

Personally, I'm not too sure about this film guys. But what do you think?

Those IMDb folks sure are prudish, huh?


Yeah i'm not to thrilled about it either. I see why he wanted to be in it, but i think he and lucy liu are mismatched.

The rockstar clip is cool though. Thanks for posting :D


Having watched the film, I thought they were wonderful together. As long as you don't take *anything* seriously, you're good. :) Just remember that every single scene is a parody on a movie genre of some kind and you've got a really sweet little film.


I agree totally. This is not a very serious film in that sense, it's playful and a bit wacky, and if you watch a lot of movies it should be a very fun watch.
And they work nicely together, but I didn't have very high expectations when I watched this either, so that might have been part of it as well.


It was okay but very unbelievable to me, and everyone talked about a surprise ending... the ending was very cliche imo. I would rather have seen a certain character progress a little and not be such a doormat!

But nonetheless I liked a few scenes:

The "interrogation" scene (LOL), the "cowboy" scene, and the basketball scene. :D
