Foul language? Sheesh!

Last week my wife and I took this DVD home to watch it. We always like to turn the subtitles on as well, as it just makes it easier to follow dialogue in general. Imagine our surprise when almost immediately we are met with "F--g" twice, not only in sound, but in the subtitles. We just don't see the need for using gutter language like that in any movie worth seeing. We've seen plenty of good movies in our lives without having to put up with these vulgarities. What person of any class is going to want that in their lives at all? Sure, I suppose it's supposed to show some kind of realism, but it seems to me that most people want to improve their station in life as they go along and if they've been around crude people in their youth, they would prefer to move on to greener pastures later in life. I say who needs it?

Anyway, after a few minutes of this DVD, we'd had enough and went onto other things.

Thank goodness for Turner Classic Movies.


You just love Lawrence Welk, don't you?


LOL... OP sounds like a Lawrence Welk fan doesn't he?

Seriously though, I do not know what life the OP lives but in Washington, your precious representatives use foul language more than other common folks do. After living in DC for 10 years I have heard it all, and some of it very creative.

I am know saint I can curse like a sailor, but this is part of real life and if you can't except it move to fantasy land.

"Deadlands 2: Trapped"


@DjfunkmasterG Washington, your precious representatives use foul language more than other common folks do.
I totally buy that. Politics is such a dry topic that if you're talking about it all day you're almost obliged to swear to keep it interesting. Paging Malcolm Tucker.


Please do not take the Lord's name in vain, bodryn.


I know, right? That feeling when you're confronted with actual life is horrible.


You remind me of Annie Wilkes from Misery.

Check it out, there's no swearing or sex.

A guy does have his ankles broken with a sledgehammer, but that's perfectly acceptable.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'
