Jaguar getting killed was very nasty ; I really dislike seeing innocent animals being killed as part of movie entertainment
Sad for me too. And gosh people, the thread is asking what 'scene' was most brutal, so I'm pretty sure we all know the animals weren't real. But it still felt sad and brutal though.
I also didn't like the heads rolling and being caught in nets, so utterly disrespectful and nauseating.
I didn't like the baby being hung upside down by its ankle and the mother's instinctive reaction to submit when seeing that.
I didn't like the scene with the mother tied to the other slaves, then the Holcane warrior taking her daughter away. The acting from the mother felt so real, so heartbreaking. Also, sad when this same mother was crossing the brutal river, but looking back at the daughter that she'd never see again.
Also again, as an animal lover, I didn't like the key the scene when I heard the dogs giving the small village warning, then not hearing them anymore.
Sorry for all the typos, I'm on tiny device.