MovieChat Forums > 9 (2009) Discussion > What was this film's message?

What was this film's message?

This movie seemed desperate to deliver a message, teach a lesson, support a moral, or provide some sort of wisdom or insight on our lives, our world, our future or our souls.

But for all it's alluding to the idea that it was always on the verge of saying something profound, I'm still trying to figure out what it was trying to say, teach or communicate.

The animation was indeed intriguing, but in the end, the plot didn't amount to much more than that of a typical low-budget slasher movie: a group of beings trying to fight something that was trying to kill them.


I think it was saying, to slow down with technology. And if you didn't get it, the scientist knew some of the ragdolls would die, so he made the film for 9 so he would know what to do, release the sould so they could develope into microorganisms and begin life anew.


I suppose the message is that you reap what you sow. If you create evil death machines, don't be surprised if they kill you!


One of the messages that i did felt through the hole movie was that you have to stand against fear and follow your gut even when most people say its wrong, you have to try to prove it, #9 was not a great hero but he did had the determination to go on, also all those rag dolls are the scientist scattered soul, you have courage #9, fear and denial #1, a feminine side #7 a manly side #8 etc etc im sure theres a messege in there somewhere too, it might mean that in all those emotions that we have you gotta find balance or maybe the guy that directed was smoking some good *beep* when he wrote the movie.


interesting interpretation of his 9 souls for his nine lives.

did the scientist die yesterday? coz his body hasnt decayed, and the war seemed a couple millenia ago


did the scientist die yesterday? coz his body hasnt decayed, and the war seemed a couple millenia ago

If even the micro-organisms have been killed then there is nothing left to cause anything to decay, so the dead bodies would just dry out and mummify.
I doubt if the time is more than a couple of decades after the war.
Much more than that then wind and whatever weather still exists would start to cause buildings to collapse (the building in which the scientist`s lab is located looks VERY unstable to stand very long) and the world would over time turn into a vast desert with the ruins gradually being buried under sand.

"Any plan that involves losing your hat is a BAD plan.""


This movies is not any different than any of the modern American movies. In USA they make movies for profit and not to educate or deliver moral messages etc.

Terminator had more messages than that one.

I liked it. I and agree with you about the animation etc. but that it - no message! At all!


whilst i dont think it conveyed its message too well, there is some there to like about this movie.

1. it talks about how machines can be turned to evil use, despite the inventor's intents, eg Einstein. Much better in Dr Strangelove

2. It talks about the collective soul fighting for the human spirit.

Besides it had a couple cute twins ;)
