MovieChat Forums > 9 (2009) Discussion > This was painful to get through

This was painful to get through

some impressive action sequences and nice visuals but the generic story and characters made the movie like watching paint dry. I didn't care what happened to them and by the halfway mark I was ready to turn off the movie. There were little pieces of brilliance scattered here and there that made it slightly better. One scene where Somewhere Over The Rainbow was playing while the large robotic creature was rising out of the mist stood out for me.


Go and watch the last airbender , THATS hard to sit through.


One scene where Somewhere Over The Rainbow was playing while the large robotic creature was rising out of the mist stood out for me.

Judy Garland's voice was the only good thing about this movie. I have this awful habit of finishing any movie I start. Luckily I can watch movies with subtitles and play it at double speed to get through it at half the time and still catch everything that happens. This movie was excruciating. So bleak and bland at the same time. Luckily I read another thread about what this movie was supposed to be about, so I kind of get that there's a point to it. But what a downer of a movie. Why don't people just up their number of weekly therapy sessions instead of using movies to deal with their hopelessness. Movie like this are like those people in your life who just talk and talk and talk, never make any changes...and except you to keep listening to them. Blech. 0/10.


The most boring film that I saw recently was Hobbit 2, and, the worst thing is - I am a great fan of the book and LOTR trilogy (both books and films). On the other hand, 9 was pretty entertaining movie. A bit slow, but with interesting characters and world that was fun to explore. And Hobbit, with all it's fast pacing and visual porn was big old 'meh'. Or maybe I'm just getting too old for that sh!t.


Couldn't agree more. Despite the beautiful animation and some stunning detail, I wasn't much interested in anything else. Even the voices were appalling. The characters were all cliche, the storyline was predictable and the end was simply vomit-inducing. Hallelujah, it's raining... and almost everyone's dead. Now it's up to the rag dolls to re-populate?
I wanted to throw up at the end. Actually, I wanted to throw up before that, because the sentiment "TECHNOLOGY...BAD...NATURE...GOOD" was stuffed so far down my throat.



bizzniss : Where the hell did that come from??

For me the movie was good for the first half then painful in the second because of the extremely heavy-handed Christian propaganda. Lazy and dishonest writing.

Extremism is the first choice of the uninformed. Benjamin Whichcote
