MovieChat Forums > John Adams (2008) Discussion > Marvelous scene between Adams and King G...

Marvelous scene between Adams and King George III

Not only was it filmed at Hampton Court castle, or at least several parts of the scene outside the audience room were, but it was enormously freighted with the history of what these two men had just been through as adversaries in war. Each was wary of the other, and the king was at heaven knows what stage of his struggles with mental illness. Tom Hollander played him as tightly wound, perhaps struggling with his demons as he fulfilled his duties as monarch. And Adams was duly nervous and fearful of giving offense or of being received with enmity. Very well done.


I thought George III had his first attack of mental illness in 1788 - a few years after his meeting with John Adams.

Agree, it's one of the best scenes in this high quality series.

Fassbender - Mara - Blanchett


This is my favorite scene in the whole serious the conversation is so amazing
