MovieChat Forums > John Adams (2008) Discussion > What would he think of America today????

What would he think of America today????

Would he approve or disapprove?

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.


The same could be asked of the other founders such as Jefferson, Washington, Franklin, etc. That being said, however, I think there would be things he would approve and disapprove of. For instance, I think he would approve of the fact that the country, on the whole, became a economically and politically stable country over the course of its 200 year plus history, despite the black mark of slavery and subsequent civil war. Since Adams was a Federalist, I think he would likely approve of Britain being America's closest ally. However I think he would view with disdain most of America's more questionable foreign policy choices since WW2, such as the wars in Vietnam and Iraq.
