Wrong kid won !!!!!
Should have been JT !!!!!!!
shareTerrible result
shareresults were messed up because they didnt show it until 11pm on the east coast last week
shareI was east coast and I saw it at the normal time. Why would that matter anyway? Willing to hear you out; just not seeing that as the issue.
shareI figured they showed the flood relief concert to everyone, anyway I had to record SYTYCD and watch it the next day since I have to work in the mornings, so no voting
shareI'm glad Kida won. I thought it'd go...Tate...Kida...Emma...JT. The shocker was Tate coming in 3rd. Once that happened, Kida was for sure the winner.
shareI don't think the wrong kid won if it truly is "America's Favorite Dancer". In terms of technique, it should have been Tate. She was technically the best dancer on the show. I'm glad Kida won. He was bursting with enthusiasm and personality and I was glued to his routines every week. I love the show and I'll watch it no matter who wins.
I'm glad they didn't announce J.T. as not winning. I just mean he wasn't singled out as going home. Robert would have been inconsolable.
"We're werewolves...not SWEARwolves"
I'm glad it wasn't JT. Seriously, my biggest fear after watching all of these episodes was JT was somehow going to win. Kida was exceptional and did a whole lot more to get there, I have no problem with him winning. There wasn't a single JT dance where I was just blown away and had to rewind it and watch again. Kida, yes, most of his were worth watching many times over. Tahani was one of my favorites as well. Her part in the whole Toy segment at the start of episode 9 was excellent. I watched it at least 6 times. Tate and Emma were both great. There were several of theirs I watched multiple times and enjoyed seeing again in the finale. I would have been fine with either of them winning. I was dumbstruck seeing people get eliminated and JT is still there. JT just had a cute factor I guess and he got the votes. But just too much of his routines were being lifted/thrown around instead of just moving under his own power and they often seemed shorter in length than what everyone else did. Granted he had some good moves, but I think maybe he was just a little too young to have the stamina yet and far to limited by his style. I think he has a bright future, but as far as this specific competition goes... it's kind of a shame he couldn't have been a little older before taking his chance. Maybe he'll get another shot in 4 or 5 years.
So, the right kid won... JT was carried too far in this competition and I'm glad that didn't get him the top spot. Kida was FAR more advanced a dancer.
I really loved JT who had many of my favorite routines this year, but I'm not mad Kida won. Thought he was great too. I thought Tate was the best but I didn't connect with her on an emotional level and Emma is adorable but doesn't have as much stage presence as the boys. All of them were amazing though and have bright futures.
shareI'm sorry, but JT got by on his "cuteness." In all honesty, I was glad he didn't win. My dream top 4 would've been Jordan, Tahari, Tate, and Kida.
shareI'm glad Kida won. I only liked the Mr. Bojangles routine with JT. I didn't think he was that great of a dancer. I liked every single one of Kida's routines and when he did that choreography round, he blew me away.
Zina ( The Original Princess)
I agree with Liano0686. I also would have liked the top four be Jordan, Tahani, Tate, and Kida. I also am glad that Kida won over JT. JT is super cute and he always brought a smile to my face but Kida is definitely a better dancer.