FBI agent?

The agent that Odesa knocks out comes to, and we hear him about to get into the penthouse... and then, nothing. He's not mentioned again. Also, they lowered the car into Fitzhume's apartment... wasn't that the apartment they locked Mr. Simon in with the music blasting? We hear nothing when they're dealing with the car...what gives?


the agent she knocked out clearly helped the investigation, or its doubtful she'd have even been a suspect. why would you need to see him again?

as for the music, thats not the only continuity error, but than every movie has them, not one single film is perfect, its only a question of how many you notice. i tend to notice several per film, youve found your first one. someday you will realize, movies are not reality and that the day they filmed that scene was not the same day they filmed the guy getting shoved into a closet
