6.2.. what does that mean?
the imdb ratings system drives me nuts sometimes. fortunately i don't really get too invested in it, but since i know absolutely nothing about this movie going in, i thought i'd take a quick peek at what you all are saying..
two of the top thread titles:
"this got bad really fast!"
"surprisingly good movie!"
what 6.2 means is that probably a bunch of people really loved it, but a select few people hated it enough (too busy playing skyrim to pay attention) to give it a 0/10.
but that is just like every movie i've seen in the last 15 years, so i don't really take too much stock in what a bunch of punk-ass haters who think the movie world owes them a favor just for watching their multi-million dollar vehicle for an hour & a half want to talk trash about the first eddie murphy comedy (that isn't family fare) to come along in the last 20 years.
i guess i'll just have to watch & make up my own damn mind. thanks for nothing, imdb!