MovieChat Forums > Tower Heist (2011) Discussion > 6.2.. what does that mean?

6.2.. what does that mean?

the imdb ratings system drives me nuts sometimes. fortunately i don't really get too invested in it, but since i know absolutely nothing about this movie going in, i thought i'd take a quick peek at what you all are saying..
two of the top thread titles:

"this got bad really fast!"

"surprisingly good movie!"

what 6.2 means is that probably a bunch of people really loved it, but a select few people hated it enough (too busy playing skyrim to pay attention) to give it a 0/10.

but that is just like every movie i've seen in the last 15 years, so i don't really take too much stock in what a bunch of punk-ass haters who think the movie world owes them a favor just for watching their multi-million dollar vehicle for an hour & a half want to talk trash about the first eddie murphy comedy (that isn't family fare) to come along in the last 20 years.

i guess i'll just have to watch & make up my own damn mind. thanks for nothing, imdb!



Don't forget that the IMDB ranking system has features to protect against idiots who just rate films 0 or 10 (or, basically, anything a long way from the mean).

I've no idea of the actual algorithm they use but it should be perfectly possible to do a very good job of weighting the influence of voters based on their voting history.

To me, 6.2 seems a very fair rating. It's certainly high enough to make me think that a film is definitely worth a watch.


How can you speak with such authority and then admit you "no idea of the actual algorithm".



By the simple expedient of having read the page on IMDB where they tell us that's what they do.

It's an asinine question, anyway.

I, along with many others, can tell you quite authoritatively, quite a lot about what some internal combustion engine is doing, without having any idea about the detailed design of the particular model in question.


Once again, you post with such authority and reveal you still don't know anything. What a time waster. Welcome to my ignore list!


Once again, you post with such authority and reveal you still don't know anything.

You are either incredibly stupid or have fairly severe mental health problems.

All I have done is repeat something which IMDB state in black and white on this very site.

Whatever your problem is, look here:, if you don't believe me.

What a time waster.

I would suggest that you are the one wasting time.
