Matthew Broderick in this...
...was one of the nice touches in the movie for me. To me, in nearly every one of his scenes he has some funny lines.
There was his speech about how his kids are not too bright (when Josh comes to ask him to leave the apartment).
"I'm thinking about becoming a male prostitute," when Josh finds him at the run-down hotel.
Then when they are on the roof of the building in the freezing cold and he talks about how a guy shot himself in the head with a nail gun and has to eat his food through a straw.
When they are plotting the Tower Heist and Josh returns after having met with Agent Denham, and the guys express their displeasure, Fitzhugh (Broderick) says "I never saw an episode of Matlock where the criminal banged Matlock."
Later, they dangle him off the building and the scene looks so real. An internet article explained that they actually did dangle Matthew Broderick forty feet in the air from a building and then added in CGI for the rest. Matthew said he was in harnesses and was probably safer up there than walking around in the street.
Anyway, his performance seems overlooked in this, so that's the reason for this post.