On /off Switch (Spoiler alert !!)
Can you name any powered machine that does not have on/ off switch ? Any electronic gadget around you have on/off switch ( or just unplug it). It is unthinkable to build a robot without absolute control over . A voice command to turn on/off AVA is a logical , and it should prevent the tragic death in the end. The previous robots shown an aggressive behavior , this should prompt Nathan to included voice command switch on/off , even xbox has this feature .
Second point is how Nathan can not monitor AVA thought process . He build an artificial intelligent . The result of what he build is a thought process , and yet he can not monitor it . e.g. like build a whole house by a blind man . You can not test an AI without knowing the thought process . Observe AVA through TV monitor is an indirect monitor of her action . " stimulation or spontaneous " ->"thought process"->" action" .