Should there be a third film in the series? If yes, should it be HOLLOW WOMAN?





But can you imagine...

H-woman: Put it in Put it in!!
H-MAN: I can't find the hole!


Ah that made me chuckle. Thanks ;)


That would be extremely interesting, because not only would we be unable to see them, they would,'t be able to see each other!:)

Plz visit my profile to take a look at unsolved threads.Plz use relevant title,SOLVED if so.


Dude! This scene you described has been duplicated countless times. Btw, spell check IS your friend!


How about Three Hollow Men and a Hollow Baby?



Isn't it time to make Michael Myers invisible?

They can call it HOLLOWEEN...


Good idea. Make it permanent.


Laura Regan may have the inside track, assuming her character survives at the end of HM2. Otherwise, who would you like to see play the Hollow Woman?


Nobody. I have not seen first one because it was a total piece of crap. So please do me a favor and kill this project and any other possible spin-offs.


If you havent seen it then how can you say it was a total piece of anything. Watch it first and then give us your oppinion.
As for a hollow woman well I personally think the first one was enough so a 3rd movie is just going to be overkill.


"Imagine, if you will, a sex scene with hollow man and hollow women. You would hear them, pluse see the bedshakeing, chairs being overturned, you could make it sound as hardcore as you want, but their invisible, so the census board (cough NAZI"S) cough) wouldn't get ticked off. I think that would be hilariouse."

I think they did a shoe commercial or something that was exactly like that.

I haven't killed a man since 1984



There was a commerical out a few years ago that was an invisible guy, having an invisible girl date. But his invisible mom comes and ruins it for him. It was a jean commerical. I think Levis.


Who let you play on the grown-ups computer?


Ignorance is bliss, eh boris?


(smart ass reply)

Wouldn't the whole point be that you couldn't "see" anybody play the part?


I wouldn't mind that. As for this film...the very idea of a Hollow Man sequel is so idiotic, I have to rent it.


cut print gay

Martyswild: Its A State Of Mind


How about a movie, where everybody's hollow? I think, that would've been the best film ever made by Uwe Boll.

What are you talking about? He's a reed. You push him and... and he bends.
"City Hall"



Hollow Man on a Plane


Home for the Hollowdays

Hollow family reunite for a turkey dinner. Only problem is its a Hollow turkey and no one can find it. Madness ensues. Gutternberg stars.

Porbably be the best of the series.


Hollow Snakes on a Plane.

Hollow Matrix.


No. Uwe Boll would never work on something like this... Now, make a Hollow Man video game, and then he'll try to make a movie about it and totally mess it up.

I wonder if anyone ever made just a crap upon crap video game and wanted him to make a movie about it. If he turns good games into horrible movies, maybe he would make horrible games into classics?

"Give me your power-flowin', juicy-glowin', red hot MEANING OF LIFE!"


How about Hollow of the Dead!? Just a bunch of Hollow Zombies going arround biting people, only they can't see them! Horror endures.

HOLLOWeen! Michael Myers gets mixed up in a CRAZZZYYY science expirement, while trying to kill his second cousins adopted dauthers niece and ends up becoming Hollow Myers! It will be the best horror movie that nobody will see!

The possibilites are endless!!!!

Because sponges never have bad days.


Hollow Encino Man.
Godzilla vs. Hollow Man.
Enter the Hollow Man.
2 Fast 2 Hollow.
Sleepy Hollow Man.
The Hollow Man of Oz.
House of 1000 Hollow Men.
The Hollow Lebowski.
Howard Stern: Hollow Parts.
The League of Extraordinary Hollow Men.


Hollow Girls Are Easy.
The Good, the Bad, and the Hollow.
Hollow Man: Pet Detective.
It's a Hollow Hollow Hollow Hollow World.
Hollow Manji.
Snow White and the Seven Hollow Men.
Hollow Man Beyond Thunderdome.
Hollow Rain Man.
Brokeback Hollow Man.
The Passion of the Hollow Man.


It's been so long since I've posted this topic, I forgot it was even hear.

I like your idea Superstud. We should have the Hollow Woman taking a shower, and we could see right through her big clear breasts. The only people that would get more fun out of that other than the audience will be the special effects guys who have to put the sensors on her breasts. To think, they didn't get any in high school or college, and all they had to do was make a movie called Hollow Woman, and fantasies are fulfilled.

Now for my titles:
The Hollowshank Redemption
The Hollow Lord of the Rings
The Hollow Identity
HollowMan Returns
Hollow-Men: The Last Stand
Good Will Hollow
Dr. Hollowlove
12 Angry Hollow Men
Eternal Sunshine of the Hollow Mind
Monty Python and the Hollow Grail
Hollow Man on Fire
Bride of Hollow Man
The Hollow Man who Wasn't There
Hollow Man Walking



2 Fast 2 Hollow.

Lots of humorous ones but the one above tickled me.

Here's a few more:

The Hollowfly Effect
Mulhollow Drive

music by Hollow and Oates


The Hollow Man Code
Broke Back Hollow Man
The Lion The Witch and The Hollowman
Monty Python's Quest For The Hollow Man
13 Going on Hollow Man
The 40 Year Old Hollow Man

OR Television Series

Law And Order: Hollow Man Intent
Law And Order : Special Hollow Man Unit
Stargate SG-Hollow Man


All you guys are lame... forgetting the classics...

Night of the Living Hollow Men
Dawn of the Living Hallow Men

The for the more campy versions:
Return of the Living Dead Hollowmen (1 2 & 3)

Hollow Man Wars
The Hollow Man Strikes Back
Hollow Wars - Episode 2 : Attack of the Hollow Men


Hollow Kong
Hollow Potter
Super Hollow Man
Hollow Spiderman
Bat Hollowman
The Hollowman In The Iron Mask
The Mystery Hollowmen



First, I’m going to assume that the budget will be considerably more than that of “Hollow Man 2” with most of it used to make sure the f/x approaches the caliber of the first Hollow Man movie. This could make some A-list actresses too expensive to hire while others will undoubtedly balk at the notion of being in a film where they aren’t seen 80-90 percent of the time. As a result, this means choosing someone who may not be a household name but isn't a total unknown either.

Based on the first two films, the Hollow Woman will more than likely be a scientist. This suggests someone in their 30s age wise (I remember all too well how Jessica Alba was ripped for being too young to be convincing as a scientist by critics who reviewed FF). We'd also need someone with a distinctive voice that sounds intelligent and sophisticated as we might expect from a stereotypical scientist. At the same time, she must have the vocal range to sound cold and menacing if the script calls for the Hollow Woman to be an unseen antagonist or sweet and sexy if she is to use her invisibility to baffle the forces of evil. While there are a number of fabulous leading ladies who meet these requirements, my ideal choice would be THANDIE NEWTON.

I’m sure she wouldn’t be the most popular selection among those who frequent this forum. Still, her work in Crash shows that she’s clearly willing to take on daring and not necessarily glamourous parts. She held her own playing a doctor on ER, so taking on the role of a scientist and speaking "technobabble" probably wouldn’t be that much of a stretch for her. She’s earned notoriety for portraying both sympathetic characters and bad girls. Thandie also won the British equivalent of an Academy Award earlier this year, so she would bring some talent to the table as well. I’d love to see her bring the Hollow Woman to life onscreen.


First, I’m going to assume that the budget will be considerably more than that of “Hollow Man 2” with most of it used to make sure the f/x approaches the caliber of the first Hollow Man movie. This could make some A-list actresses too expensive to hire while others will undoubtedly balk at the notion of being in a film where they aren’t seen 80-90 percent of the time. As a result, this means choosing someone who may not be a household name but isn't a total unknown either.

Based on the first two films, the Hollow Woman will more than likely be a scientist. This suggests someone in their 30s age wise (I remember all too well how Jessica Alba was ripped for being too young to be convincing as a scientist by critics who reviewed FF). We'd also need someone with a distinctive voice that sounds intelligent and sophisticated as we might expect from a stereotypical scientist. At the same time, she must have the vocal range to sound cold and menacing if the script calls for the Hollow Woman to be an unseen antagonist or sweet and sexy if she is to use her invisibility to baffle the forces of evil. While there are a number of fabulous leading ladies who meet these requirements, my ideal choice would be THANDIE NEWTON.

I’m sure she wouldn’t be the most popular selection among those who frequent this forum. Still, her work in Crash shows that she’s clearly willing to take on daring and not necessarily glamourous parts. She held her own playing a doctor on ER, so taking on the role of a scientist and speaking "technobabble" probably wouldn’t be that much of a stretch for her. She’s earned notoriety for portraying both sympathetic characters and bad girls. Thandie also won the British equivalent of an Academy Award earlier this year, so she would bring some talent to the table as well. I’d love to see her bring the Hollow Woman to life onscreen.

Finally, a reply that takes this seriously!

First, from what I have seen of Thandie Newton, I believe she could play the role of HW very well. For this type of movie, I do not think it is essential that you use a widely known "A-list" actress, but it is important that a GOOD actress is used. The special effects need to be as good as the first movie if not better. The paradox of invisible man movies (as the first movie proved) is that for it to truly work, we should be able to "see" the protagonist even if they are invisible. Kevin Bacon was on the set all the time even after his character became invisible, and this shows in the movie. In Hollow Man 2, I did not believe for one moment (except for one or two scenes) that Christian Slater was present except for his voice.

The second biggest obstacle is finding a good script. Is the Hollow Woman a heroine or villainess? Does she become invisible as the result of a scientific experiment, or is it an accident? Can you capitalize on her sex appeal without making the plot too ridiculous or campy? If HW becomes a villainess, how do you make this movie unique without retreading most of the ground covered in the original film?

Maybe the last question is important---can you get Paul Verhoven or an equally talented director to helm this film?


Talk about strange coincidences, after ignoring this thread for months you can imagine my surprise to come across an actual reply. I’ll try to respond below to each of your comments. For openers, I think the idea of “seeing” an invisible person on-screen is a contradiction in terms, as well as, a double edge-sword. Yes, it was cool to see KB in steam and water but it after the first time it raised questions about how come we were seeing this so much? In the old days, they used to show the invisible man brushing alongside plants & curtains, bumping into trash cans & chairs so viewers could follow his movements. Yet, this made him seem inordinately clumsy. So the question is how often should we expect to see someone whose supposed to be invisible? Clearly, (no pun intended) Paul Verhoven (and to some extent John Carpenter before him) have raised the bar substantially for films dealing with invisibility. Consequently, audiences today seem far less tolerant of simple voice overs, point of view shots, and objects obviously dangling on strings.

I beg to differ with you on the script being the second biggest obstacle to a HW film. I think it’s the NUMBER 1 OBSTACLE! Writing in Hollywood is very poor to put it mildly. Remember Elektra, Aeon Flux, and Catwoman? They all failed miserably at the box office despite being based on popular characters and starring stunning leading ladies. The reason in each case was largely because of a dreadful script. On the other hand, special effects for all intents and purposes have been virtually perfected. You and I already agree that Thandie Newton is an actress more than capable of portraying the HW. I also feel that the challenge to take this series/genre to a whole new level is enough to attract a good director. I’m not sure however, that Paul Verhoven wants the job. I recall reading an interview of his after HM came out in which he didn’t rule out doing a sequel but didn’t seem overly excited about the prospect either. Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing Claudio Faeh get the nod. Despite having no budget to speak of and a less than stellar cast to work with, I thought he did an admirable job with HM2. Jonathan Demme is a well regarded director in Hollywood and has worked with Thandie Newton before. They have a mutual admiration society for one another, so if you get one, to sign on to the film, you won’t have much trouble getting the other. Again however, what’s needed is a script worthy enough to encourage the Sony Corporation to ante up the appropriate funds for the right special effects.

Should the HW be a heroine or a villainess? In HM and HM2, the invisible men were villains. So, I think she should be the heroine of this story. She should find herself mixed up in murder and conspiracy so that the police want her for questioning (but don’t know she’s invisible) and the conspirators want her because they mistakenly believe she knows about their plans (they not only know she's invisible but want her formula too). I don’t think the HW should be totally altruistic however. Invisibility should bring out some of the worst in her because she’s desperate, struggling for survival, and no longer accountable to anyone. Despite her previous amicable nature, she shouldn’t hesitate to steal money, clothes, or a car and KO anyone who attempts to get in the way as she tries to evade the conspirators pursuing her. At the same time, she may engage in some mischief as a favor to someone who does help her. Enabling this good samaritan to get even with some jerk and providing an opportunity to inject some comic relief.

Should the HW become invisible due to an experiment or by accident? Instead of either/or why not BOTH? Let’s say she’s working on a drug that would make our troops imperceptible to Infrared & Thermal Imaging systems since more countries are aquiring this technology and subsequently lessening our advantage at night or in low-light conditions. She injects her latest formula into a guinea pig and finally achieves success. The animal can’t be seen at all through her themal imaging camera yet can be seen easily with the naked eye and otherwise appears to be fine. The guinea pig briefly gets loose and (for the sake of discussion) runs under an ultraviolet or some other kind of special light. She catches it but seconds later that part of the guinea pig struck directly by the light fades away while the remainder of it is still visible. Now she knows her drug works as originally intended but has an interesting side effect--under the right conditions it can make its user invisible. At first, she wonders what to do with it because if she tells her employer they can legally seize control of her work and she’ll never know or have any input as to how it’s used. She also hasn’t a clue what to use it for herself. She asks a girl friend and a co-worker what they would do if they became invisible but doesn’t care much for their responses. She gets an unexpected answer when she finds herself in danger and the only way to stay alive long enough to learn why is to make herself invisible.

If HW becomes a villainess how do you make this movie unique? I don’t believe you can make it unique, if she’s the “villainess.” In the previous films, we saw men become invisible, go insane, and kill a bunch of people before meeting their demise. This is exactly what happened in the Claude Rains film back in 1933. So if HW does likewise, we’re not really treading any new ground, just changing the gender of the killer. As for other steps that can be taken to make the film more unique, how about the following:

(1) Eliminate madness and death (via cancers) as side effects. Since we’d be starting fresh with a new formula and want to break from the previous films we can give these tired old side effects a much needed rest.

(2) Eliminate the government as villains. Rogue government agents have been overused in movies and television to the point of becoming downright boring. In addition, they are very unrealistic given the Congressional oversight federal agencies face and the propensity of leaks to the press eager to print anything concerning illicit or illegal government activities.

(3) Eliminate pseudo-invulnerability! In HM, Sebastian Caine was hit over the head with a crowbar, electrocuted, burned, and the victim of an explosion. Yet, he was still spry enough to chase down Elisabeth Shue in that elevator shaft. I won’t go into the escape from the freezer or using duct tape to close a wound. In HM2, Griffin was hit by a car and knocked through a plate glass window. He was also thrown out of a three-story window and earlier stepped on broken glass with his bare foot without ever uttering a word in pain or bothering to take the time to stop his foot from bleeding. I’m sorry but invisibility does not equal invulnerabililty, in fact, the opposite is more likely. If you’re wounded/injured while invisible how would you get treated? Ignoring this stuff makes it very convenient for the scriptwriter but is otherwise silly, stupid, and insults the intelligence of the audience. It’s a major reason why so many people disliked these films and something HW should make do without.

(4) As I mentioned earlier, make the HW imperceptible to thermal imaging and infrared systems. This would set HW apart from the earlier films and move the story down a somewhat different path. The first two HM films skirted around this technology to the point where it played a very minimal role in each story anyway.

(5) Have the HW live at the end but somehow fake her death & leave town. This way the police and any surviving conspirators who avoid jail would no longer be looking for her. As a result, she’d be free to go someplace where she might learn to live with her condition and/or work to find a way back to normal.

How to capitalize on her sex appeal without making the plot too ridiculous and campy? I think there are a number of ways to do this well within the context of the story:

(1) Transformation Scene. Remember what I said earlier about part of the process involving direct exposure to ultraviolet (or whatever) light. This means to maximize exposure and become invisible ASAP the heroine would have to discard all of her clothing. So we’d get a brief glimpse of her nude before she faded away.

(2) Disrobing Scenes. After she becomes invisible, include at least a couple of scenes where she’s disrobing. One should be because her pursuers were tipped off to her location and are attempting to close in on her. On another occasion she may wear something like an athletic t-shirt belonging to the hero, it would give him a chance to see where she is and the viewers would be reminded of her figure. If danger arrives unexpectedly she could rip it off in a second or two and be safe.

(3) FOG! After some successful spying, the HW leaves a building used by the conspirators. She steps outside and is caught offguard by a dense fog which provides a nice outline of her figure. She’s soon spotted either by a couple of henchmen or some curious pedestrians. They chase her down the street and she ducks inside some public place just before she’s caught.

(4) Dialogue. When questioned about invisibility, the HW can confide that she’s cold because she’s naked and how that influences her behavior. Perhaps towards the end, the HW may taunt a couple of henchmen by telling them she’s nude as a sort of distraction before taking them out.

(5) Learn from the past. We could update some things used previously in the old Universal films, like a bathtub scene in a relaxed moment at the hero’s place in which the HW lathers her hands and a leg. Or she might get out of bed early in the morning and wrap a bedsheet around herself. Then again, she might place her hand in a fish tank and wet her face to identify herself to a confidant or the hero.

I think that covers all of your comments. At a minimum, this should give you some thoughts to chew on till the next time I pass this way.


Well in terms of F/X. They could have more fun. Since women wear makeup, fake eyelashes. stockings or pantyhose. breast implants. The F/X team could really showcase some nifty effects. There's something hot about an Invisible woman stripping. even though you're not gonna see anything when she's done. It's the incentive that's arousing.


Actually, there was already something like that done. The year was 1983, the version of THE MAN WHO WASNT THERE, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085892/.

It was a strange movie where an invisibility formula was the object of pursuit by spies, governments, and a few other people including the accidentally involved hero and his girlfriend. Toward the end of the movie, one of the women was going to make a getaway by taking the formula, and stripping off her clothes while holding a group of the good guys at gunpoint.

During the movie, there was a scene with the guy (naturally while invisible) and his GF making out, and he carried her to the bedroom while a group of OLD men watched through telescopes from an adjacent building (not bad FXs and a cute girl). At the end of the movie the CIA guy wanted to bring in anyone that had taken the formula so the residue in their bodies could not be analyzed... Luckily for the hero and his GF, they only had to disappear (sorry about that) for a while until the residue worked its way out of their bodies, and they had a wedding where the guests, band, witnesses and minister were all blindfolded while the two of them would take the formula after the ceremony and go on their honeymoon. Needless to say, the lucky couple didn't bother with clothes since they were going to have to remove them, and after all, their identities had to be kept secret for a while. Hmmmmm.
Weak plot, but a cute idea.

Runaway Hollow Bride
Hollowmoon In Paradise

As far as the FXs went, there were a few ideas that were shown.
1) The original spy was stabbed while invisible, but his blood was red as it ran onto the floor. (If an invisible person sneezed, would the spray be visible? And I'll leave other things to be imagined...)
2) I don't remember anyone that was shot while invisible, but there were gunfights. (Would the bullet be visible if it lodged in an invisible person? How about tooth fillings? Would a scab on a healing wound be visible or not?)
3) The formula lost its effect as you took more of it, and the invisibility time was reduced each time it was taken. The invisibility effect was more like some of the ghost effects where the person just faded out, and faded back in when the effect wore off. This naturally led to some embarrasing and hazardous moments.
4) The container that held multiple vials of the formula 'floated' around on a visible wire (poor FXs) as invisible people carried it.
5) The stripping while holding a pistol scene was pretty obvious as a greenscreen FX, but wasn't skillfully done, and could have been much better.
6) The telescopes the old men's club used were switched to infrared when the bedroom lights went out, but the invisible guy was still not visible. Hmm.

If you have time to spend, and can find a copy to view, it might be worth it on a boring weekend when you might enjoy a campy comedy/adventure movie.


Hollo Dolly
Hollow Man! I feel like a woman


Hollow Snakes on a Plane.

"Shop smart! Shop S-Mart!" - Ash



LOL at Hollow Dolly - I also liked Mulhollownd Drive and of course Holloween..

here is mine :)

1. Hollow Down Dirty Shame
2. Hollowoodland
3. Confessions of a Hollow Mind
4. Inthollowrable Cruelty
5. King Hollowman's Mines

"Its nothing personal when bombs explode" - Chuck Palahnuik


Yeah Mike I seen that movie. I like when the bad girl strips. Because it's one of the few times in Invisible movies. Where an evil woman turns invisible. She seems to love it too. Oh I think i'll just alter and mess around with my body. What the hey, lol. That's the last time anyone sees her. All you hear is her evil laughing female voice as she tries to escape. Then she falls in a furnace I think? Ironically that's the last time most people saw actress Morgan Hart.
She's still beautiful today. She doesn't age. She's married to Ralph Malph from Happy Days, lol.



If there was a hollow woman, would she sneak around looking for naked dudes? Instead of random breast shots, we'd get random penis shots.


Has anyone mentioned Jack Black's new comedy Hollow Hal?


ogm!!! ive got one!!!

Sleepy Hollow.


(Sleepy Hollow Man)

it will be about a hollow man, who is sleepy!
and he sleeps while we watch him.
the movie will be 8 hours long and just play intense music softly in the background as the hollow man sleeps.



you're good...

you're just too good...

