Look, I have no training or even basic knowledge about te job of an emergency responder, a firefighter, a paramedic or a cop, but even I know that rushing things up or running everywhere isn't a good idea on an emergency situation. What's the point? Just so you look busy in case somebody someday wants to shoot a movie about your ordeal?
It makes sense to me that people trained to deal with such unpredictable situations would approach dangerous areas with extreme caution, taking the time to get acquainted with their surroundings, escape routes, etc. After all, you're there to save people, not to become another casualty or require yourself to be saved, just because you wanted to "look" brave.
In this case, their behavior clearly paid off, since if had they ran instead of "casually stroll", they would be far away from the elevator shaft which, as McLoughlin said, was the strongest part of the building.
C'mon guys, it's common sense. Have that in mind in case, knock on wood, anything ever happens to you. Keep your cool, don't go running around collapsing floors or roofs.
By the way, if you wanted to point to somebody who clearly wasted a little bit of time, look no further than the priest/marine. I don't know if commie Oliver Stone put it there or if it actually happened, but even after receiving a direct call from god the guy still went for a shave before heading to the buildings. I was also appalled to see apparently he was the only one (or one of few) who disobeyed orders to suspend searches overnight. I wonder if more people could have been saved if they just kept looking nonstop. But that's easy for me to say, it's clear that everybody out there made the best they could. If only that good spirit and the focus on helping each other had lasted longer than a month, instead of turning into hatred and revenge.
Let's all agree to keep signatures apart from text body?