MovieChat Forums > Shanghai Kiss (2007) Discussion > Could this be like Lost in Translation?

Could this be like Lost in Translation?

It seems to share a similar genre and theme. I guess it depends on whether the main character gets culture shock in China, but if he does, the two films could have much in common. I'm keeping my eyes on this.



Let's hope something actually HAPPENS in this movie instead of that Lost In Translation...


It seems nobody will ever appreciate the wonderful film that was LiT.

"Laugh and the whole world laughs with you. Weep, and you weep alone."


Except maybe the Asians in *this* movie will actually be human beings instead of racial caricatures.


Lost was a bit silly for me, being an Asian American

Why doesn't anyone film a movie based on an Asian's experience of being lost in America?

We can have the asian female protagnist visiting all sorts of exotic locations in America. She'll stumble at the footsteps of Crazianity, instantly becoming captivated by it's mysterious religion, while she mocks contemporary American society.

Then we'll have this bored old Asian dude doing a commercial for Jack Daniels. Usually they don't hire this demographic, but he knows kung fu and speaks Chinese so they thought it would be amusing. Then said Asian guy makes up smart ass remarks because he couldn't understand the director's language, but that's ok, because English is a mysterious and exotic language, so no harm done there.

While we're at it, we can make all the non-asian characters flat and carciatures of themselves. Gangster rapping blacks, neo-nazi Whites, tequila drinking Mexicans etc.

Then we'll call it a student documentary so the people of other Nations think it's all true.


Um...the only reason the asians were "racial caricatures" was because Coppola did it as a joke. What alot of people seem to forget is that LiT is a "dark/black COMEDY." It's a comedy. A C-O-M-E-D-Y! It actually had alot of subtle humor in it.

And yeah, I know that I'll probably get alot of people replying to this with: "but teh movee nots funy11!!"

"Laugh and the whole world laughs with you. Weep, and you weep alone."


No its not really a comedy. The asian caricature thing helped the characterisations though. Loneliness is probably the most important theme in the film as both characters feel lost around other people including loved ones. They have a connection with each other because they make each other feel less lonely. By taking the complete p*iss out of the local culture the characters show how the are more attached to one another and can find meaning and understanding from each other. Japan just happened to be a backdrop that possessed a suitable amount of "mystery" and "culture shock". Unfortunately I dont think Coppola had us non-whites as her top demographic target for this film so its only natural that we feel offended. Hey welcome to Hollywood, BBC and every other source of western media. On the other hand I'm not sure about this film. Seems like its trying to be a more empathatic exploration of Asian culture but looking at the cast Im not expecting it to be radically different from Lost in Translation which could be a good thing.


u mean china?.... lol i dun fink u hav any idea of wt ur on about XD


first off, it isn't very much a comedy.
Second, just b/c it is a dark comedy doesn't mean it can display such general racism without even a laugh. Making all the asians "racial caricatures" was not funny nor was it for the purpose of a laugh.
