mm i the only one upset they didnt kiss? i just finished watching the movie and i thought it was great but i wished they had kissed IN the movie not the deleted scenes, but now that i think about it maybe it was kool they didnt kiss. hmmm the almosr kissing scene was kool though.
I'd really like to hear David Ren's explanation of why they didn't kiss at the end. Someone said it was because audiences wouldn't like it. I'd like to know if David Ren caved into racist pressure. If you're going to make a movie about an Asian man, that supposedly no one in America wants to see, why would you listen to audience feedback to delete the kissing scene?
Well I think age issue had more to do than race. After all early in the movie it shows him having sex with a white girl...
And I think most white families are accepting of someone in their family being with a white person. Most Asian families in America are very traditional (well the parents that immgrated, not the first gen children) and do not want their children to be with someone outside their ethinic background.