BettisBoy's Survivor IMDb XIII:Cook Island - Ethnic Players Needed
BettisBoy's Survivor IMDb XIII:Cook Island – Exile Island
Hosts: BettisBoy and Kateness101
Challenge Rules: All members of the tribe will have to send in the correct answers to the challenge to win it for their tribe. All immunity challenges will be at 9pm eastern unless otherwise specified.
Number of Players: 20 (CANNOT have participate in BettisBoy's Survivor IMDb Seasons 1-11)
Synopsis: Sixteen brand new men and women will be set out to compete against one another. They will compete in various immunity challenges to a sure their survival. After a certain period of time, the two tribes will merge into one, and the competition will turn from tribal to individual. In the end, only one will outwit, outplay, and outlast all the rest to claim the title of sole survivor of the twelfth and thirteenth BettisBoy's Survivor Series.
This game will be different from any of our other games, as we recreate the CBS Survivor Show.
As in the actual show Survivor we would like to try and divide the cast by race. If you feel comfortable with telling us your race and would like to join please send us your name, gender, age and ethnicity.
Hopefully 5 on each tribe, African American, Asian, Hispanic and Caucasian.
This game will take place after our current game BettisBoy's Survivor IMDb XII: Panama (Exile Island)
The game will be played mainly Sunday through Thursday. You do not need to know a lot of Survivor trivia; it is based also on the area of the Survivor season you are in and most answers can be easily found in CBS Survivor or/and Wikipedia.
I am happy to answer any questions you might have
Please do NOT post on this thread. PM us if you are interested.
Do something worth remembering. share