MovieChat Forums > Shanghai Kiss (2007) Discussion > Ironic that this movie tries to bury ste...

Ironic that this movie tries to bury stereotypes and Western cliches...

Yet who's on the cover? A blonde white girl!!!! The movie is barely about her but she gets all the air time. Wanna sell copies? Get viewers??? Put a white girl on the cover, that's how ya do it!!

That aside, there's alot of unrealistic things that occur in this as well.

I've ridden the bus for many years and never will you ever have some teenage blonde suddenly hit on an older guy!!! Romance just doesn't work that way, people!!!
You have a better chance of getting a Beverly Hills barely-legal girlfriend
in freakin Calcutta than riding inside B-Line 42 down Rodeo Drive.
Like a previous thread-poster said before, it's just a "wet dream for
Asian guys to have some gorgeous little blonde girl fall on their laps"
or something to that extent. I'm asian, and I've had a few white women
hit on me but they were always in a socially relaxed environment.
Not in an awkward, pretentious setting like the movie showed.

That's just an example; there's too many far fetched situations in this, and other threads on IMDB explaining such unrealistic scenes confirm it.

That being said, I liked the ambitious storytelling the movie showed. It's
great to finally see a talented actor do more than a few kung fu scenes
or play some expendable villain.

Overall Score:


"You have a better chance of getting a Beverly Hills barely-legal girlfriend
in freakin Calcutta than riding inside B-Line 42 down Rodeo Drive."

"Colorless green ideas sleep furiously."


I wanted to say myself that I didn't like the cover for the DVD..boy it is cheesy as heck. But I guess I can understand why they did it - in the interest of MONEY! "So it's all about MONEY"...isn't that funny and ironic that this line was in the movie twice at least from what I can remember, maybe more. They wanted to capitalize off of Hayden's huge leap of success in her career which just happened about when the film was finished being edited etc. So the slapped her huge mug on the cover - lame.

Other than that I did like this movie a lot. Some scenes were a bit unbelievable but what movie isn't like that? I just watched Amelie for the first time last was great! But boy...that movie is WAY less believable.


Well the dvd im watching this shows them walking together with a beverly hills sign on their right. =/ the white girl hasn't been blown big or anything.

Nothing is more reliable than a man whose loyalties can be bought with hard cash.


Your original post title has almost nothing to do with what your actual thread complains about which is the unrealistic circumstances of this film. Anyway, there are very few realistic romantic comedies/dramas. (See such cliches as guy chasing down girl at at airport before she leaves, or guy breaking up a wedding to confess his love)

just a "wet dream for
Asian guys to have some gorgeous little blonde girl fall on their laps"

Who doesn't have that dream?

I can't argue your score because everyone has different opinions and taste. Hopefully I'm making sense.


The "white" girl's on the cover because she's the biggest name actor, and probably most expensive as well, in the movie. So it's all about the marketing and Return On Investment.

And FYI, the story's semi-autobiographical. The director had such an experience on a bus and wrote the movie about the experience. Which makes it therefore more "real" than most Kate Hudson/Jennifer Aniston/Jennifer Lopez romantic comedies out there.
