The cover?

Okay i love this movie but there is one girl on the cover who is in movie at the beganing but has nothing to do with the plot.... I have noticed this in a lot of slash movies where a girl is in the cover who is in the movie about whole of 10 minutes before getting killed but she is on the cover as if she was one of the main characters example: Scream and Scream 2 and this I'll always know what you did last summer.

The girl i am talking about is the blonde one with short hair who is screaming



I came here to ask the same thing. I don't even remember that girl being in the movie at all.


Yeah I know right! She was in like 2 scenes and doesn't even encounter the fisherman

I was moving to Hollywood next month to be famous now I'm going to die with all you a$$holes


Colby and Roger should have been in the poster, instead of that chick.


During photo shoots for the movie posters, they usually select at least the 2 or 3 important characters to be put on the posters, and then they sometimes add in who ever else looks good into the image. Like Tyra Banks on the Halloween Resurrection poster

Its funny how slasher films go with the whole layout of the actors all set out in a line with the final girl in the middle. I think Scream started that trend.


But the Scream movies are different. Drew and Jada are on the covers because they are big names, the girl on IAKWYDLS is a nothing part


And also, Drew and Jada encounter the killer for Screams infamous intro deaths.

Conviction 7/10
The Girl Who Played With Fire 8.5/10
"RedBull's For Pu$$y's"-Number Six


Its to fool you scream made it popular. Its a lot like Janet Leigh getting all the fame for Psycho when she's only in the first half and then gets killed in the shower. Its to surprise you.

There comes a time to put away childhood things. But some things just won't stay put!
