lol dear god, your trolling is so awful....
did you know that the Journalist at the Beginning of BvS that gets KILLED is actually Jimmy Olson...
lol Snyder Literally KILLED an Iconic Superman character Within the first 10 mins of the film like it was absolutely nothing....
I find it almost beyond belief that you could be this horrible at trolling DCEUFantic.....
I mean its almost like at this point you are intentionally REVERSE Trolling....Like you are trying to say things that are purposely going to backfire.....
I get it, you Hate Nolan...It bothers you that His Trilogy of Batman film are the GOLD standard for Batman and DC films....It Kills you that Snyder's films got nowhere near the success or praise Nolans Batman films got....It Kills that The Dark Knight is and will forever be considered The Ultimate Batman film, I get that You and Hardcores like you and Andre, really wanted Snyder's Batman film to be loved and have success like Nolans films, It KILLS you that Snyders Batman film are and will forever be remembered as failures ......But come on at least MAKE sense when trolling....
you trying to Hate on Nolan for Killing off Two-face after He was in The entire Dark Knight film and is arguably the most important character in the entire film is The ULTIMATE walking contradiction considering you praise Snyder and BvS....
Snyder Literally didnt care enough about one of Superman's most iconic characters to even mention him by name in the film and KILLED him off Like he was LESS than DIRT in the first 10 mins....
again all I ask is just Make Sense.....I can actually respect good trolling or clever trolling....But My god nearly all of your troll threads and trolling tactics are so awful they truly dont even make sense....
basically here you were attempting to Troll by suggesting Nolan disappoints by KILLING off A Main Character like Two-Face...Yet did not think or realize Snyder is guilty of doing the exact same thing ONLY 1000x worse....