A bit racist?

Ok, I don't really think it was outright racist but I just wanted you to read my story. I saw this when they played it on a coach I was on yesterday across South Africa. The coach was, unsurprisingly, full of black folk and I was basically embarressed. Admittedly I couldn't hear all of the dialogue (although I doubt I missed much) but from what I did see.. I just wanted the family to die. For a while it looked like even the film-makers were potraying the dad as a villain and yet they all walked into the sunset at the end. Quiet apart from that, lions are not mean looking and this film is not Jaws. I wanted the innocent creatures to prevail here. When the only sensible people in the film were eaten (the rangers and the black guys) I just wanted to apologise to everyone on my bus for the state of this film.



How in the world is this movie racist ? Is it because it featured an African Bushman poaching lions ? Isn't that what poachers in Africa do ? Oh, I see, it should have had an ASIAN guy poaching......or, are you saying the poacher should have white ? Now that's racist.


And wasn't the hunter (who the father hired to help search the family) white? He was killed also. There was nothing racist about the film...the story took place in Africa for crying out loud! If the story took place in Indonesia, the poacher(s) probably would have been.....Indonesian. Geesh.
