MovieChat Forums > Prey (2007) Discussion > The Ending (spoilers)

The Ending (spoilers)

After they all hug and Peter Weller says "Let's go home", they still have quite a ways to walk back to the car high up the ridge. As they walk away the camera does a slow zoom into the tall grass while my closed captions type out "[Quite Growl]". Do you think they made it?


That's left up for us to decide, I suppose. In reality though, I kind of doubt they would've made it. She blew up one lion. Obviously there were plenty more out there waiting for them. And the cliched line "let's go home" is as stupid as saying "it's over" because it's never really over when you say that, and it'll probably get you killed, lol.

Big Gay Al, it has recently come to our attention that you are gay.


LOL yeah, like when they say "we killed him" in the Halloween movies then you see him slowly sit up. jinksed yourself saying that.
