
I don't usually do this. In fact I hate those threads about something being "the worst movie ever" but this was garbage. It was so stupid and frustrating.

Even if you could ignore that fact that the ranger was stupid enough to let the boy crap so far away from the vehicle there's still too many ridiculous things that happen.

The keys?! They just happen to have fell out the ranger's pocket when he gets dragged away. Not just that but the boy sees them! You would assume that they can't be too far away for the boy to see them, yet when Amy picks them up and sees the lion she's suddenly 200 metres away from the vehicle!! How the hell would you see that far?

As for Amy, you'd have thought she was taking an afternoon stroll through the park the way she walked towards those keys. Any normal person would have looked round BEFORE getting out the vehicle, legging it towards the keys and legging it back. Absolute rubbish!

Then the crash!! Please don't reply to this post trying to justify how this happened. It's a straight line back to the track. Once she started the ignition and moved away there's no way a lion would be brave enough to attack the vehicle. Besides, they didn't get in when it was stationary never mind when it's moving.

The worst thing about this movie is the ending. Amy suddenly transforms from Stupid Woman Driver to Lara Croft to kill the lion at the end. Then bizarrely they decide there's no more lions and they casually stroll back up the hill towards the other vehicle. How do they know there's no more lions??

I hope I'm not being too harsh about this film. I watched Ronin right before it so maybe I was expecting too much. But watching this made me hate Hollywood.


I COMPLETELY agree with you. I watched this on HBO today and when reading the Logline, I thought....this could be good, maybe. It actually could have been really good, had they based it on reality.

1. Agreed, the guide would have NEVER let a child get out of the car, and I am a mother, and if my kid (step child or not) had to take a sh*t, I would have told the guide, go back to the road and back back to "civilization" and told the kid to hold it, but that would have ended the movie and the whole plot would be..."A family takes an African Safari in an attempt to bond as a new family and the stupid step son ruins the whole trip by needing to take a sh*t while out on an animal expedition."

2. Lions would be afraid of a vehicle and wouldn't make an attempt to "attack" the vehicle again and again, especially during broad daylight. The writer of this screenplay failed to realize that lions actually spend about 20 hours a day sleeping, yes TWENTY hours a day sleeping, and are primarily nocturnal, it's just too hot for them to hunt during the day. Oh, and females do the hunting, usually. Just the fact that they had these lions out continuously attacking people during the day just made me laugh.

3. The crash, I agree ashspate.....why the hell would drive like an idiot and as fast as she did to get away, the lions would have been frightened enough when the engine was started, and certainly wouldn't chase it down. They weren't being chased by Jason, even moving at 5 miles an hour would have been sufficient enough.

4. The fact that she waited TWO days to inventory what they had is SO annoying. I kept thinking....they go out on a Safari and only brought one bottle of water and there are no food supplies in the car...come on. She had the lighter the whole time, why the hell didn't she start a fire the first day, sending up smoke signals, or digging a circle around the vehicle and starting a fire around it, animals have a tendency to be afraid of fire. This would have protected them, and made them visible to a air or land search party. Again, this would have also ruined the plot and not made it possible for these lions some kind of vendetta to keep taking out the humans. HA!

5. The guide that the husband employs is supposedly a big game hunter, crazy man, and yet is taken out by a MALE lion in the end....again, during the day, when lions are sleeping.

Okay, I can't go on anymore.....this was bad, and it could have been really good....motivates me to keep writing my screenplays and coming up with better than this rubbish.


Malony29 just made the whole movie for me.

I'm watching it now, but thinking about the 20 hours a day the lions should be sleeping is the highlight of this film.

five midgets
spanking a man
covered in thousand island dressing
is that love?


Ha, ha, ha....

I'll admit I actually bought the movie out of the 2 for $10 bin at Wal-Mart. I'm laughing though at the comments here.

The one thing that struck me is that male Lions don't go around initiating attacks. They're typically lazy, on the "defensive, and fight only when they NEED to.

It could have been a lot more believable if they showed us some cubs, a pride, something which would explain the reasoning for these attacks. And if you go under a truck, the Lion is going to go under there and get you. That's just plain stupid.

What about the boy needing to take a shyt? If the had to go sooooo bad, why then didn't he go involuntarily when he was chased by a lion? If being chased by a lion ain't enough to scare the shyt out of someone, then I don't know what would. And if the lion WANTED to get you from under a truck, all he/she needed to do is place his/her long arm under there with razor sharp claws and pull you out!!!

Throughout most of the movie, the Lion didn't jump through any window to snatch anyone, but he did when the bush teenager came to the truck. What did the lion have, a vendetta against him?

Why when she got the keys was she in such a hurry to leave? Why didn's she scope out what direction they were to go in, instead of acting as though she's competing at the Indy 500 trials? I mean how hard could it have been to see what direction you JUST came from? Wasn't it just minutes before that they were on a main road when the boy decided he had to take a shyt? But now they don't know jack shyt about where they're going or where they came from?

It makes for good comedy but then again...movies ARE entertaining. They say though, this is based on a true story.




I agree with every single thing you've said. And the fact that you then apologize for being so harsh made me laugh until I choked.
Thanks for posting... At least I'm not alone in opining that this is total *beep*
