Amy was so completely stupid!
Amy had to be the stupidest person in the movie, and were I to throw anybody to the lions, it would be her. Here are the stupid things she does.
She insisted that nobody try to retrieve the rifle. Since they were able to retrieve the keys I don't see why they couldn't retrieve the rifle. I don't think the guide dropped it that far from the car. Had I been the girl I would've gone for the rifle regardless of what Amy said, it sure would've helped.
Acting all high and mighty with the "because I said so" additude and "what I say is final" as if shes God Almighty.
The number one most stupid thing she does is when she finally gets the keys and gets the car running, what she should've done would be to drive over to where the guide dropped the rifle and retrieve it. Since she insisted for nobody to get out of the car for the rifle, now she has a chance to drive over and retrieve the rifle and she blows it. After getting the rifle she then should've driven back in the direction that they came from, back to where the tour started. Instead she drives off in some blind direction and crashes like an idiot.
Not making a fire and using it to ward off the lions. She had the cigarette lighter, and all that dry gress would've worked wonders for something to burn. Animals have a natural fear of fire, but she doesn't use it to her advantage.
So lets face it, if anybody should've been thrown to the lions it should've been Amy. Some people are saying the kids are annoying but they dont compare to Amy's annoyingness and stupidity. She should be lion food, not the kids.