
Mark and Vanessa say that once they had a similar deal but the woman backed out... And later Mark says that everything happened too fast, that they put the ad on the newspaper and 2 weeks later they had Juno sitting in their couch. So when did the previous deal happen? In those 2 weeks?


The previous deal happened, probably, way before they put their ad in the paper. They probably made the deal some other way.


I always got the impression that it was Mark who backed out -- as he did now -- because he didn't want to be a dad.


Came on here to find out the answer. Their conversation dies down, and then they mention "cold feet". Later in the movie Mark talks about having cold feet. I thought the audience was supposed to connect that it was him all along.

After all, she says if she waits for him she'll never be a mom, or something to that effect. Why say that if in the last deal it was the woman who backed out?

- I reply, and then I'm gone.


The script implies that a previous woman offered them her baby for adoption but got 'cold feet' and didn't go through with it.
