MovieChat Forums > Max Payne (2008) Discussion > This is one of my favorite movies

This is one of my favorite movies

I loved it! I really enjoyed it. Thought it was awesome. So much, that I've seen it about 10 times already. No joke. ;)


I'm sure that you should go to the cinema more often. There are HUNDREDS of movies better than this.

But it's your own opinion so, who am I to judge? xD



i liked it alot actually, maybe its cuz im a Mark fan


This movie? Terrible. Just terrible. Godawful, unbelievable. If it was directed by Uwe Boll it would be better.

You have no respect for logic...and I have no respect for those with no respect for logic.


hopefully when your older youl realise how funny it is that you actually liked this :)



It is weird that you enjoyed it so much :D I thought it was ok but far from good.


I enjoyed this movie. It wasn't great by any means, but it's not a complete waste of 90 mins, either.

