MovieChat Forums > Max Payne (2008) Discussion > Even though this movie hacked up the ori...

Even though this movie hacked up the original story...

... I still like it the way it is. Believe it or not, I am a huge fan of the Max Payne games and I am FULLY AWARE that this movie altered the storyline severely. But still, for what it is, I enjoyed it. The only thing I don't like about it is that Ludacris is in it. Why not get an old white guy (like the game) to play the part like Don Rickles, Joe Pesci or even Danny DeVito? Anybody have this same feeling about it?

"Hail to the King, Baby!"


i concur, I too am a huge fan of the game. For a while people couldn't understand why i thoguht it was the greatest thing. I had waited since 2001 when it was in the manual that DIMENSION was making the movie, to see a max payne film. I like it because it's a max payne movie. I do feel that ultimately it could have been better. I like ludacris as an actor and have enjoyed him in other roles. but he and Mila Kunis were both miscast. She is also awesome and super sexy, but she looks likea little girl playing criminal, not a seasoned contract killer. Bravura, should have been played by the older heavier, bald cop at the ver beginning of the film.


Mila Kunis is smoking hot but you're right about her being miscast. I Think Charlize Theron would been better. I remember her seeing in Aeon Flux and she kicked-ass in that.

"Hail to the King, Baby!"


exactly, they needed someone older.

