MovieChat Forums > Max Payne (2008) Discussion > Real or fake SWAT guys as Aesir?

Real or fake SWAT guys as Aesir?

So the gunfight scene I'm assuming the SWAT guys were fake operators because Ludacris called to see who was responding to a situation and dispatch said no one! Did BB have a group of mercenary's set up for his dirty work? Makes sense I just want to confirm...


They were the buildings security.

Nolan Haters -


They were crooked cops.

Bravura (ludacris) had them in the station and their commandeer came and complained why they weren't out hunting down Max Payne.

Exchange between Swat captain and bravura.

Captain-"These are real cops!!! No offense."
Bravura-"None taken"
"Agent Talente, I'D LIKE YOU TO MEET A REAL COP!!!"
